In the Adoption Process

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I'm sitting in my room playing games at the moment mostly because I have nothing better to do.

I can hear these voices.

"Here is onother one of the chidren,
Y/n has had a tough background and won't talk to you until she feels comfortable around you. She has selective mutism, she was also separated from her brother due to abuse"I heard the owner of the place say.

Somebody then knocked on my door so I went to unlock it then sat back down and played my game again.

They walked in and a male fgure with long blond hair said
"Hello my name is Ukai. What are  you doing?"                             

I took in what he said but didn't reply I just showed him my game not to sure if i should trust him or not.

"Ah you're playing games interesting, what's it called?" Ukai asked.

I showed him the home screen on my Nintendo swich light that I had gotten for Christmas from my social worker. I was playing my favorite game Minecraft.

"Minecraft, cool. Let me guess it's a game where you mine and then craft?!" he guessed eagerly

I nodded my head slowly but surley. I smiled but I covered my face with my hand. I think I also giggled a bit.

Maybe he is the one I thought.

A few minutes later they left and I went back to playing my game.


"I think Y/n is the one," I said.

"Are you sure?" Sophie (the owner of the children's home) asked me.

"I am 100% sure. She needs a home where she can be loved and my house shall be that place!" I announced.

"Okay I'll get the paperwork and you should be ready to leave within the next hour," she said.


"That, was alot of paprwork," I said exausted.

"Now that you're done I will tell her to pack her bags and we will be out in a moment." Sophie replied'


"Y/n pack your bags, you're getting adopted!" I heard Sophie call.

I jumped up and started packing my bags emedeatly - not like I had much to pack anyways.

I finished packing and left my room slowly, scared about what could happen. I put my headphones on and listend to some music to try shut out all of the WHAT IF...? thoughts. It bearly worked but I kept them on so that i coudn't hear what others where saying.

Ukai lead me to his car, it was a small two seater and it was a bold black. Quite nice if you ask me.


Hello I hope you have enjoyed the firt chapter of my first book and I look foward to seeing all of your comments. (:

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