Chapter Seventeen: "Second Chances"

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Jack lifted his head off Mark's side, whispering back to him nicely in the hopes of repairing anything he might have said or done. "You just looked like you needed a hug... and my head hurts so bad that... I needed one... and you're warm." Mark rolled onto his back, his hand rising to brush Jack's sweaty bangs away from his eyes. Biting his lip, he let Mark stroke his fingers down his cheek lightly, while Mark asked him softly. "Did you drink some water?" Nodding, he mumbled back in return a little playfully. "You know, Mark... I think those pickles were soaked in moonshine." A small smile pulled at the corners of Mark's lips when he answered so beautifully. "You think so?" Avoiding his eyes, Jack shyly asked him. "Did I try and seduce you last night?" Mark laid his hand back over his head on the mattress, giving him a little honest nod when Jack's timid eyes found his again. Nibbling on his lower lip, he asked nervously. "Did you... I mean... When I woke up, I noticed I was..." Jack tugged on his shirt anxiously, unable to finish the sentence. Exhaling slowly, Mark told him with a calm expression. "I was tempted... There was even a moment that I thought I might have to if you didn't pass out... but it didn't come to that."

Jack took a moment to process that, hoping that he was telling him the truth. He was so lost in thought that when Mark's hand touched his shoulder, he jumped. Mark quickly removed his hand, informing him in a worried tone. "Jack. I didn't touch you. I just... kissed you until you passed out. I tried not to do that but... I was worried you'd get us caught if I kept refusing. So... I tricked you." For a minute, Jack stared into his eyes trying to detect if it was a lie. He just couldn't help it now. Groaning a bit, Jack rubbed his temples when his head started to hurt from thinking about it too hard. Shrugging it off, Jack mumbled out a but reluctantly. "I believe you..." Adjusting to lay down next to Mark, Jack whispered out grimly to keep his ears from ringing. "I'm easy to trick." Mark rolled onto his side to face him, propping his hand up on his hand before telling him affectionately. "Wanting to see the best in people isn't a bad thing. It's just... you have to be prepared for people to take advantage of you for it. It can be hard to catch a liar when... they've had a lot of practice." Jack sniffled softly, trying not to cry but it was hard when his body just felt awful.

Mark eased his free hand carefully onto Jack's hand that was draped over his stomach. Stroking the back of his hand with his thumb, Mark whispered to him gently. "Please don't cry. I already feel like a terrible person..." Jack laid his head on his arm, looking Mark over with his eyes. It scared him with how much he liked him. How willing he was to forgive him just to feel loved and safe. As his eyes drifted down to their hands, Jack exhaled out. "I feel so lost." Mark took his hand off him, glancing at the trapdoor as he whispered out sadly. "Jack, I think there is something you should know." Jack felt a tear run down his cheek, while his body slowly sat up. Touching Mark's cheek, he turned his head into his awaiting lips to kiss him. He was only a little surprised that Mark didn't pull away from him. He didn't even try to stop him. The kiss was light and brief enough that when Jack pulled back, he told him in a pained voice. "Please... No more bad news. My heart can't take it right now..." Mark touched Jack's chin with a tender finger, whispering over his lips. "It's not bad news. I overheard why they want you. Jack, you're-" Jack kissed him again to silence him. Upon pulling away this time, he whispered back to Mark. "I don't care. Mark...? If I gave you consent, would you put your hands on me?"

Mark leaned back from him with a weary expression. Leaning closer, Jack told him hopefully. "Don't you want too? You said you were tempted..." Mark put a hand on Jack's chest to stop him, telling him with soft puppy brown eyes. "I did and I am. But no, Jack. I'll have to decline your offer." Narrowing his eyes on him, Jack sniffled out a little hurt. "Why? I'm sober. You like me. What am I doing wrong?" Sitting up, Mark crossed his legs and answered over his shoulder coolly. "Because you want it for the wrong reason. You're upset. You feel trapped here with me... and you're confused. That's... That's not a good mix. Trust me. What you are trying to do. It's only going to make you feel worse after." Sitting up, Jack blurted out to him defensively. "And what do you think I'm trying to do?" Mark shifted to put his back to the wall. Staring him down with gentle eyes, he replied without flinching. "Fucking me isn't going to remove the pain I caused you. It's not going to make up for it either. You feel alone but your attraction for me is telling you something different. And I'm telling you... if you sleep with me right now. You'll feel like you sold your soul to the devil for it. Because you just thought sex with me would fix how you feel and clear things up, but it won't. Sex just makes things more complicated."

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