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"I love you in secret,first sight.We loved without a reason"
-Dancing with our Hands Tied
by Taylor Swift

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Third Person's P.O.V.:

It was Friday of May 2021 and Kang Seul walked alone out in the field of her school when she sees her mother's car stop infront of the school with their driver walking out of the car waiting for her there and she was about to run her way there when a familiar voice called out for her making her stop on her tracks and turmn around to see her bestfriend Suhyeok running up to her.

"Yah!,I told you to always wait for me"Suhyeok says panting as he placed his hands on his knees trying to catch his breathe

"Eomma and I are going somewhere important so I was in a rush"Kang Seul says not mentioning the doctor's appointment not wanting to worry Suhyeok since its probably nothing.

"You won't take Yohan with you?"Suhyeok asked suspiciously since Yohan is always with Kang Seul especially when they go out with their mom who always cherish family time since Kang Seul and Yohan's parents' are always busy and he remembered Kang Seul complaining how their mom always nag them about the importance of family bonding when they almost spend none.

"Uhhh Eomma said she wants some girl time with her daughter?" Kang Seul answered which came out more of a question and she internally cringes and hopes that Suhyeok won't detect her lie and she sighs in relief as Suhyeok nodded standing straight

"Okay but can you meet me in the rooftop tomorrow?"Suhyeok asked Kang Seul as his confident aura shifted to a nervous one making Kang Seul smile on how adorable he looks when he's nervous.

"You do know that I can't fight because--"Kang Seul jokingly starts but Suhyeok cuts her off

"you bleed excessively when you get a cut because you have Hemophilia and you also have horrible asthama and--"Suhyeok started listing all of her disorders making Kang Seul playfully glare at him as she hit him in the arm before internally nodding proudly as her heart flutters on how much he pays attention to her

[Hemophilia is a rare disorder in which the blood doesn't clot in the typical way because it doesn't have enough blood-clotting proteins (clotting factors). If you have hemophilia, you might bleed for a longer time after an injury than you would if your blood clotted properly]

"Its not my fault I was born with this immune system"Kang Seul says as Suhyeok nodded patting her on the head softly.

"besides I'm not trying to fight you!Why would I intentionally do something that will hurt you!--you're too precious to be harmed anyway"Suhyeok added whispering the last part so Kang Seul didn't hear it as she shruggs it off.

"Fine I'll meet you and hang out with you tomorrow even though I hate you so much"Kang Seul smiles playfully rolling her eyes as she started walking away backwards to see Suhyeok scoff before looking away and smiling to himself

"Sure,we all know you love me so much" Suhyeok retorted smirking as Kang Seul smiles and she stops on her tracks once again and decided to run up to Suhyeok,stand on her toes and quickly place a kiss on his cheek catching him off guard as his eyes widened and his heart's pace quickened.

"I--"Suhyeok tried to form words but he made none making the smile on Kang Seul's face bigger and she decided to turn around and walk away towards her mom's car before Suhyeok can get out of his trance.

"I'll see you tomorrow Bare-su!"


Kang Seul sat impatiently next to her mother ,Kang Min as they wait for her doctor to arrive with her test results so she can finally get home and have her long day preparation because Suhyeok asked to hang out with her tomorrow and she thinks he's finally gonna confess

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