Sold to the Mafia Ep17

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"If you say so, I'll trust you on this one" the blond spoke, causing a smile to spread across the cute male's face, without hesitation the older male began placing soft kisses on his partner, which had caused a sweet short breathed moan to escape Izuku.

"Ah...please..." Izuku moaned, closing his eyes, letting his head fall back onto the blonds bare shoulder, his body was warm, heat that radiated off of it, having kept Izuku warm from the cold.

Sinking his teeth gently yet roughly against Izuku's smooth, soft skin, the male's breath hitched, before he let out a shaky one. "Kacchan.." the male mumbles. Hearing his nickname the blond smirks before sucking on the spot he had just abused.

It was early morning, the call Izuku had received from his so called father had ended, with Izuku agreeing to go to dinner, along with meeting his fully biological sister, he was exited yet nervous.

He allowed the nerves ease with the kisses of the blond, which had turned into sucking in a matter of seconds, and indeed he hadn't wanted too much, he wouldn't be able to wear anything to cover it up.

"Kaccha...please not too much.." Izuku pushed away slightly, however, Katsuki lifted Izuku before turning him and placing the male onto his lap, having Izuku straddle him. A strange sound left Izuku, a sound of shock, and unexpectance.
Causing a wider smile from the blond.

Katsuki let his hand free as it went straight under Izuku's silky dark blue shirt. "W-wait" Izuku stutters, embarrassment present in his voice, but the blond refused, once again this caused Izuku to let his head freely fall onto his partners shoulder, as his partner explored the others body.

"'s only the morning..." despite Izuku's fight the blond had none of it. "" The blond questioned, Izuku had no reply to that, having his back being connected to the material of the bed Izuku knew what was coming.

His chest being exposed to the cold, warm kisses being placed on his chest, he let his eyes fall closed, enjoying the soft sensations of the blonds kisses.
When reaching to Izuku's nipple, Katsuki stared, not at it but at Izuku's calm expression, how he was able to contain his moans, acting as if he were calm and collected, this was sure to take him by surprise.

His lips met Izuku's nipple before he licked a long slow swipe which had caused a sweet moan to escape past Izuku's lips before the male had covered his lips with his palms, unsure and taken back of the sound he had just made.

Katsuki made brief eye contact with his partner, before smirking, grabbing Izuku's arm, attempting to remove it from his mouth.
"If you don't remove it, I will do it again" the blond threatened. Which worked. Izuku moved his arm, exposing his flushed face, looking away, which Katsuki had leaned down and kissed his cherry lips, that would surely turn darker if he abused them.

Neither broke the kiss, Izuku enjoyed it, the blonds lips on his, something they had shared many times, but once again this was different. The blonds body weight on his, his muscles, his warmth, it made Izuku's back arch and his body shiver of goosebumps.

It was passionate, and loving, Izuku never knew he'd end up here, with a partner, that was part of the mafia, but here he was, being loved.
Despite memories with his father Izuku knew this was different, that Katsuki wasn't there for the pleasure.

Katsuki trailed his kisses, down to Izuku's neck, and down to his chest, dismissing his nipples, even though he was tempted to, he held back, hearing the soft breaths Izuku had let out, the blond intertwined his fingers with Izuku before kissing Izuku's hand allowing the male to be cherished and loved. Every little reaction was worth it.

Once again, Katsuki swiped his tongue over Izuku's nipple, causing Izuku to let out a sweet moan, which Katsuki took in with his lips. Izuku was getting hot and bothered, feeling like a wave of heat was running from the bottom to the top of his body, it all happened too quick. Izuku felt like an Omega in heat.
Laying on his back, so vulnerable.

Katsuki's build was big, hovering over Izuku's as Izuku was back first onto the mattress, the sight of Izuku aroused the blond. Izuku was too pretty. "You're gorgeous" Katsuki complemented, something he's been saying very often. A red blush filled Izuku's face, from head to toe, it was once again too cute.

Only then had Katsuki decided to admire Izuku, freckles, green gorgeous emerald eyes, green messy hair that he knew he buried his face in every morning when the two were sleeping. His cold fingertips, that he loved against his warm hand, it was all sensational. Izuku was the one, his past was horrible yet he was strong enough to fight through it, protect his brothers, there was nothing not to admire about Izuku.

Katsuki wanted nothing more but to love Izuku how he deserved to be loved. Pressing his lips eagerly onto Izuku's once again, he pressed himself against Izuku more which had caused a slip up for Izuku, the blond gaining access to Izuku's mouth which he took, and it was nothing more but a fight for dominance which we all knew who won.
Katsuki's tongue met Izuku's, warm and sweet. Izukus stomach fighting the butterflies that had fluttered around, made him weak.

Izuku moaned as the two were kissing, making Katsuki hard, which he kissed some more before backing away from a sensitive Izuku. He smirked as he kissed Izuku's cheeks, his forhead and his nose, moving down to his neck and biting it before getting pushed away with a chuckle that Izuku let out. "Stooop" the blond laughed along.

With that the two decided to finally get breakfast, it was a step in the right direction.
For now.

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