She put me here with care just like every day
Tucked safe away for a fresh day of play
The next day comes and here I stay
Tucked safe away and not held to play
More days pass and I never move
Collecting dust and faced with the truth
This is my place
My perch
My home
Up on a shelf
Where I'm tucked safe away and left alone
She grows up slow, day by day
All the while here I stay
But from here where I watch, all the way up top
the years fly past without a stop
I watch from the seat that I now take
As she cleans up the tea parties we used to make
Packed away is the life we shared
Put in boxes with little care
Toys and costumes
Dreams and wishes
Of being little fairy princesses
I fear I'm next to be packed away
But at risk I truly am not
There's love in her eyes as she reaches up for me
And in her grown up features I can see
The little girl she used to be
To her, I'm host
To the memories we shared
And in her eyes I can see she always cared
She held me close and hugged me gently
Then, incidentally
I was put back on the shelf, just like before
Tucked safe away for a fresh day of play
This time I did not worry
I was not in a hurry
I knew my girl would not stray
And to me she would come back, for a fresh day of play
~~~~~Hope you liked it!
Tucked Away
PoetryJust a little poem I wrote for a competition and won 2nd place with. The prompt was to write a poem from the perspective of a childhood toy that was left on a shelf.