*Chapter 3*

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"I'm home!", yelled my father Alex while carrying various shopping bags filled with the supplies we are going to use for next week's car wash fundraiser.

"Haha darling, let me help you with those", said Anna as she helped carry some of the bags to the kitchen counter.

"Thanks dear", Alex replied as they started taking out the supplies he brought minutes ago.

"What on earth did you just buy?! These sponges are wayyy too small, these are for washing dishes! And this soap? This soap isn't as efficient as the ones that I told you to buy! What's wrong with you!", Anna yelled at him.

"I- I thought-", Alex said as Anna interrupted him.

"Are you drunk?!? That's why you had to go to your friend's house so early on a Saturday morning and not come back till noon so you can drink and party all day and I have to take care of our daughter???", Anna assumed.

"What no, absolutely not Anna! I'm not doing this today and especially not in front of Josie, I'm going back to his house", Alex said as he put the jacket he previously took off back on.

"What the hell Alex! You can't just-", Anna said as Alex interrupted.

"But I will", Alex said before slamming the door and leaving for the rest of the night, not to be seen till the next morning.


"Thank you so much Max, you have no idea how much this means to me-", Anna said as Max brought home a drunk Alex currently slouching on the couch.

I have previously just woke up and it's 1:pm on April 3rd, a Sunday.

"Your welcome- I better go now-", Max said as Anna hugged him.


"Thanks again Maxy", Anna said as Max just nodded and left the house.

"Josie go to your room, I need to discuss some things with your father here", Anna said and I just nodded, not interested in what was going to be said, and headed up to my room to sleep some more.

Hours later, around 6 pm, I heard a knock at my room, which caused me to wake up.

"Who is it?", I asked.

"It's us, your parents", Anna said.

"Okay", I replied as I got up from my very comfy bed to open the door for them.

"What is it?", I asked.

"We- I-", they both said at once.


"I'll start", said Alex.

"We got you enrolled into a school. You start tomorrow", Alex said, shocking me.

Are they serious?

A school?

I haven't been to one in ages!

I couldn't tell if I was happy with the information I just found out or not, so I just smiled at them.

"Thanks?", I said.

Why did it have to be so soon though!

I'm hella nervous!!!

What if I get lost in the building?

What if i make no friends??

What if people make fun of me again?!?!

What if...

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