Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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I had just gotten on the school bus, and my brain was filled with thoughts. I knew that it was silly to be this nervous - it's just high school, I thought to myself. But I just couldn't help it! After moving to Dallas, Texas, I left all of my old friends behind. So not only am I going to a brand new school, I also didn't know anyone there. That's just great, I'm gonna be totally alone on my first day. I decided to try and find an empty seat on the bus, but when I scanned the rows, all of them were filled. So now I have to sit next to a stranger. Just my luck. I looked around once more, and decided to sit next to a girl with long, orange hair. We ended up just sitting there awkwardly next to each other, without saying a word the whole ride. I wanted to say something to her; she seemed pretty nice, after all. But I just couldn't. I'm really bad at talking to new people, and the fact that I was already stressed about the first day didn't help. So we just sat there in silence, and I tried my best to avoid eye contact with her.
     When we finally got to the school, I quickly gathered my things and darted towards the front of the bus. I was careful not to accidentally bump into anyone - I definitely don't want an awkward moment like that to happen on my first day of high school. I checked my schedule for the third time today; I didn't want to walk into the wrong class and have everyone stare at me. Just the thought of it alone was enough to make me shiver.
     When I got inside the school, I quickly stopped at my locker to put all of my belongings away. However, when I tried to open my locker, it wouldn't budge. Why isn't it working?, I thought to myself. I know for a fact I put in the right combination! I even checked it twice.
"Need some help?" I heard a voice behind me call. I turned around to see a girl with blonde pigtails, dressed in all pink.
"Uh- Sure, thanks." I stuttered nervously. Wow, I really am bad at talking to people.
"No problem! What's your combination?"
I gave her the code, and the locker made a click sound. How did she do that?, I wonder.
"Thanks a lot for the help. I'm y/n, what's your name?"
"I'm Alex! Nice to meet you, y/n! Well, I gotta get to class. Hopefully I'll see you around!", the blonde said, as she started speed-walking down the hallway. I waved goodbye to the sweet girl, and walked in the opposite direction to get to my first class. Wow, I haven't even been here 15 minutes and I've already made a friend! That has to be some sort of record.
     I looked down at my map, and saw that the room numbers on the doors matched perfectly with where I was trying to go. Yes, I did it! I didn't get lost!, I congratulated myself. It was a simple achievement, but in a school this big, I'd say it's a pretty valid thing to be proud of. I walked in the door and saw a familiar face - the orange-haired girl from the bus. I thought of sitting next to her, but I noticed that she was already talking to someone; a purple-haired boy with tan skin and freckles. The girl's face had a slight tint of red - did she have a crush on him? Those two would make a cute couple, I noted, and took a seat right in the back. As the teacher was taking attendance, I pulled out my notebook and decided to write down some names so that I wouldn't forget them. Sora - blue hair, seems nice. Won't stop arguing with the redhead sitting next to him, who apparently goes by the name 'Jaxx'. That's a cool name. Light - the boy with purple hair, apparently likes to skateboard from what I can hear of his conversation with the orange girl, Charli.
"Y/n?" the teacher called, interrupting my note-taking.
"Here!" I responded, maybe a bit too enthusiastically, considering the fact that everyone turned to look at me. Oops. As the teacher called the next name, 'Levi', everyone turned away and brought their attention to something else.
     For the next few hours, everything seemed pretty repetitive - just a lot of expectations and rules to follow. At one point, I ended up taking out my sketchbook and drawing a bit. I decided to make a quick sketch of some of the people around me, as well as the girl named Alex that I had met in the hallway that morning. I had to do hers from memory, since I hadn't seen her since then, but I think it turned out ok. I had planned on giving it to her if I saw her again, but until then, I stuffed it into my backpack and headed to the cafeteria for lunch.
     I walked into the cafeteria, and it looked like a scene from a movie. The people at the tables all had their own sort of groups, like some kind of organized chaos. I looked around, wondering which table I should sit at, when suddenly I saw a familiar girl walk in next to me.
"Alex!" I exclaimed to the blonde girl.
"Oh, hi y/n! Wanna sit with me and my friends?"
I felt a wave of relief wash over me when I discovered that I wouldn't be sitting alone. I happily agreed, and Alex led me over to the lunch table filled with all of the colorful individuals.
"Guess what, Squad? I made a new friend! Their name is y/n, I hope you don't mind if they sit with us today." Squad?, I wondered. What an interesting name for a friend group.
"Of course we don't mind, Alex!"
"Oooh, their hair is so nice!"
"They seem really sweet!"
I took a seat next to Levi, the boy dressed in all black, since it was one of the only empty seats available.
"Hey y/n. I'm Levi, nice to meet you." I was shocked when I heard his deep voice for the first time. Based on his reaction, I'm guessing this wasn't the first time someone had been caught off guard by his unusually low voice.
"Uh- Nice to meet you too!" I replied with a smile. When I looked to my left, I noticed another 'Squad member' that I hadn't seen before. He had fluffy, white hair and was talking to Charli. How have I not seen him before?, I questioned. I guess I just assumed that we didn't have any classes together, and I continued talking to Levi and Alex.

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