Chapter 3 - Shipped?!

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We had just gotten done filming my 'introduction video' for the channel, and I was so happy I could scream. I was so excited to be a part of this amazing channel. I had even been invited to live with them in the Squad house - no, Squad mansion! The place is so huge, and it was hard to believe that I would actually be living in it. A little while after the video had been posted, I decided that it would be fun to read the comments. Most of the comments were the usual 'I love your videos' and 'Welcome to the Squad, y/n!' comments. But there was one comment in particular that really stuck out to me. 'Maybe Luca won't be single anymore 👀'...

     Well, it's good to know that he's single, I sighed dreamily. Wait, what am I thinking?! I don't even like Luca! I mean, I do like him, but just as a friend. But he is really cute... NO! Ugh, why am I like this... I'm such a simp.
"Squad, dinner is ready!" Alex calls from the kitchen.
"Coming!" I reply, gathering my jumbled thoughts and trying to forget about that comment. Why would people even ship us anyway? It doesn't even make sense. We only talked, like, twice in the video. These fans sure are crazy...

     "So y/n, since you're the newest Squad member, we'll let you sit anywhere you want at the table!" Alex declared.
"Oh, um- That's a lot of pressure..." I replied nervously. I didn't want to accidentally separate anyone, or take someone's seat. I laughed awkwardly, and decided that it was best to let Alex pick a spot for me.
"Ok, if you insist! You can sit right over there, between Luca and Charli." She said, gesturing to an empty seat. I walked over and sat down, slightly nervous to sit next to Luca considering how many people already ship us... I crossed my fingers and hoped he didn't read the comments.

     After dinner, we decided to watch a movie. Everyone had different ideas, so it was pretty difficult to figure out what kind of movie to watch.
"We should watch a Disney movie!"
"What about a comedy?"
"Oooh, what if we just watch anime instead?"
"Let's watch a horror movie!"
"I don't even know-"
But eventually, we decided on... a horror movie. Luca and Levi were super excited, since they both love horror. However, I tend to get scared easily during these types of movies... I couldn't just leave on my first night with the Squad, so I had no other option but to stay there and watch. It'll be fine, I reassured myself. It's just a movie, none of it is real.

     We started the movie, and everything was fine at first. Sora and Jaxx went to get everyone popcorn, while Light got the candy and chips. I started to get a bit scared, and tried to calm myself down. It's not real, it's not real. Everything is going to be-
Suddenly, the monster popped out at us. It seemed like it was flying out of the screen! I shrieked, and started shifting closer to Luca.
Alex started hugging Levi, and Jaxx held Sora's hand under the blanket.
Charli grabbed onto Light's arm, who had just returned from the kitchen.
"Charli, get off me!", he insisted. Charli didn't listen though, she just clung tighter to him. Light eventually just gave up, and let her stay there for the rest of the movie.
Don't ask how it happened, but somehow throughout the course of the movie, me and Luca ended up cuddling. I guess I got scared, and subconsciously started moving towards the Squad member that I loved and trusted the most to comfort me. He gently stroked my hair, and I could feel my face heating up. Why do I have to be so in love with him? Maybe the fans were right after all...
I wanted that moment to never end, replaying on loop for all of eternity. But the movie was coming to an end, and I knew there was nothing I could do to preserve it. Once the movie was over, the lights turned back on, revealing all of our poses - and all of the Squad ships. Alex and Levi, only inches apart, hugging each other tightly. Charli still grabbing Light's arm, like she never wanted to let go. Jaxx and Sora holding hands, looking deeply into each other's eyes. And of course, me and Luca. I was laying down on my stomach, while Luca sat next to me, running his fingers through my hair. My face was as red as Jaxx's favorite hoodie, so I quickly buried my head in my arms. But considering the blush on every other Squad member's face as well, I realized that being cute and romantic like this is just part of being a Squad member - whether it's actually someone you like, or just a joke for the videos. And while people may only ship Luca and I because there's nobody else left, I genuinely believe that our love is true. A perfect coincidence, as some might say.

     After the movie, we all decided to have a slumber party. Even though we're living in the same house, it was my first night here with the rest of the Squad, so we felt like it was necessary to celebrate with something fun like a slumber party with all of us together. We changed into our pajamas, and sat in a circle on the floor as we thought of things to do. We ended up deciding on Truth or Dare, and I have to admit, I was a bit nervous. I mean, these people may be my best friends, but that doesn't change the fact that Truth or Dare can get pretty awkward. Especially when you have a crush on someone else in the group...

     It started off pretty fun and calm, with funny dares like "eat something that you don't like" and "dance with no music for 1 minute". But it soon evolved into some more interesting questions... "Y/n, truth or dare?" Levi asked with a sly smile. There was one thing that I was trying so hard the entire time to conceal - and somehow I just knew that he would ask who I had a crush on. So even though it was risky, I had to go with...
"Ok then. I dare you to kiss Luca."
I knew it. I knew that this game would go terribly wrong.
"LEVI!" Luca hissed. "Why would you-"
"Calm down, brother. It's just one kiss. Besides," he half-whispered, "you wouldn't be getting so defensive if you didn't have a crush on them."
Luca? Having a crush on me? The thought was too much for me to handle. I felt like I was going to faint. I could already tell that my face was bright red, and would only get redder throughout this. As crazy as it sounds, I was about to kiss my crush...

     Alex and Levi started pushing us closer and closer together, as Luca and I got increasingly more nervous every second. My heart was beating so fast, I felt like it would leap right out of my chest. We were just inches apart, and my mind was racing.
"Just hurry up already!" Alex squealed. But I was frozen. I couldn't move, I couldn't speak. Suddenly, Luca came closer to me. He whispered a quick "sorry" to me, before leaning in and kissing me on the lips. I just sat there in shock for a few seconds, my face turning brighter and brighter red. The rest of the Squad started to giggle at us, and we soon realized that Levi had been recording us the whole time...
Luca and I started chasing him, trying desperately to steal his phone and delete the recording, but to no avail. I ended up avoiding Luca entirely for the rest of the night; I was just too shocked and nervous to say a word to him. We all went to bed, though it was almost impossible for me to sleep after what had just occurred. Should I have reacted differently? Luca definitely hates me now... Tomorrow's video is going to be sooo awkward! Somehow, even with all of the thoughts floating through my mind, I managed to finally drift off to sleep.

"My Angel" ~ A Luca x Reader Fanfic (InquisitorMaster)Where stories live. Discover now