Chapter 3

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Thank you so much for reading the story. What do you think of it? Hope you enjoy the third chapter.

Chapter 3 Lucy's POV

Troian and I woke up simultaneously the next morning. "Whats the time?" Troian asked sleepily. I reached for my phone to see. "8:30," I said before sitting up in bed. "What time are we meeting the others?" I asked getting up to put the kettle on. "Didn't we say 9 for breakfast?" She asked, and I nodded. I made Troian and I a coffee before switching the TV on to hear the news. There was nothing really that interesting, but I like listening to it incase I miss something.

Troian and I got dressed and brushed our hair before going to see Ashley and Shay. I knocked on the door and waited for them to answer. "Hey guys, you ready to go?" Troian asked them. "Sure," Shay said before her and Ashley left the room so the four of us could go and grab breakfast together.

After breakfast we went back up to our rooms to get ready for our spa day. I got changed into my bikini and put the robe on over it. I grabbed my flip flops before waiting for the others. I checked my phone and saw I had a message from Ian.

Ian: Hey Luc! Hope you and the girls enjoy your spa weekend. See you when you get back. Shmian :)

I couldn't help but smile at the text from Ian. "What are you smiling at?" Troian asked as she came out of the bathroom. "Nothing," I said quickly whilst hiding my phone. She grabbed it and looked at the message from Ian. "Aw, Luc, that's so cute! You guys HAVE to go out," she said. I smiled, "I can't promise anything Troy," I said smiling and reclaiming my phone from her.

Not long after, all four of us were ready to go. We headed down to the pool and went in the hot tub before we were due to have our massages. "Ugh, there's a part of me that wants to go back to work, and there's a part of me that doesn't," Ashley said when the four of us were in the hot tub. "I know what you mean," Shay said, and Troian agreed. "What about you, Luc?" Troian asked me, seeing I was completely out of it. "Lucy?" She questioned when I didn't answer. "Sorry, what?" I asked coming out of my trance. "Are you looking forward to going back to work?" Shay asked me. I smiled, "Of course I am," I said, "I get to see you guys everyday, we get weekends off, we have so much fun." I was listing all the reasons why I was looking forward to going back to set. "You get to see Ian everyday," Troian said mimicking my tone which caused her, Ash and Shay to start laughing at me. I scowled at them before joining in with the laughter.

The girls and I enjoyed our massages before going back to the pool. I decided I would swim a few lengths in the pool, whereas the others wanted to go back in the hot tub. I swam a few lengths before joining them again. "I was thinking of getting up earlyish tomorrow and going to the fitness suit, does anyone want to come?" I asked sitting down next to Ash and Shay. They all nodded in agreement, "Sure," they said.

We decided we would go back upstairs to get ready for dinner as it was nearing 5 o'clock. We only really had today to go in the spa, as we had to drive home tomorrow. After the fitness suit, I was considering going to the sauna for a bit, but I would only mention it if we had enough time.

The girls and I showered and got dressed into our dinner stuff. We were eating in the hotel, it wasn't that posh, but it wasn't jeans and a t-shirt kind of thing. The girls and I enjoyed a meal together, before deciding to head up to bed. If we wanted to go to the gym and stuff before we left, we would need to be up early.


Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Sorry I didn't update sooner. What did you think?
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