Kiss me

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"I apologise for the things I said. I was upset, I didn't really mean them" Dwayne apologised

"It's okay, come on, let's go" Sheryl said

So we all got back into the car and sped off to the pageant

"2:55. Everybody look for the exit okay"

Dwayne was laying down on the backseat

His head was resting in my lap

I was smoothing his hair to comfort him

"Okay here! Here's the turnoff turn in here" Sheryl exclaimed

"Does anybody see the redondo suits?" Richard asked us

Dwayne sat up from laying down and rested his head on my shoulder

"There's the hotel!" Olive pointed

"There it is, there it is Olive" Richard said

"We're gonna make it, we're gonna make it" Richard smiled

"How the hell do you get over there?" Richard asked himself


"No no no no" she worried

"Your passing it" Olive exclaimed

"We've gotta turn around. Turn around" Sheryl sighed

"You drove past it" Olive shouted

I giggled

Dwayne looked at me and smiled

"Hey Dwayne"

"Mhm" he nodded

"What's going to happen after this roadtrip?" I asked

"What do you mean?" He questioned

"Well I don't know where to go. I mean I can't just stay with you guys cause you have lives and you obviously don't want me intruding" I saddened

"Mallory, you're never gonna be intruding. We love you too much to let you go. I love you too much to let you go. So you will be staying with us. You can bunk with me. My mom won't mind, she loves you. Olive looks up to you as an older sister. Richard seems to like you. Frank is obviously very close to you. And me. Well I love you so much I can't imagine going anywhere without you. That's it mal... I think I'm in love with you" he blurted

I was so shocked

I mean the love of my life just told me he fucking loved me

"Mal?..." Dwayne worried

"I think I might pass out" I chuckled

Dwayne laughed them kissed me again

It was just as passionate as the last one

Maybe even more

"Hey lovebirds, stop sucking each other's faces and get out, we're here" frank grinned

Ohhh wow

We're going to have to get used to that

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