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helene love was happy

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helene love was happy. the happiest he'd been in a long ass time. she was in america with sadie, his girlfriend. they hadn't been dating long but both of them knew they wanted to be together for a long time. maybe even forever.

sadie sink was happy. she'd found her person. how could she not be happy? helene had come to america like she'd promised.

the two could not be happier.

( i used google translate for the sentences in french im sorry if its incorrect :(( )

sadie held onto helene's hand like her life depended on it. they were in atlanta now. theyd called an uber and were waiting for it, off to the side so no one would notice sadie seeing as she was a celebrity. sadie put her bag down on the cement and hugged helene, burying her face into his shoulder.

"est-ce que ça va?" lena frowned, slightly worried about her girlfriend.

"english please len." sadie joked.

helene let out an airy laugh, "are you okay?"

the younger's cheeks were dusted with pink, she leaned her head back to look at helene. "im okay." she smiled.

"okay." helene returned the smile, bringing her hands from sadies waist up to her face. he brought her face closer and pressed her lips against sadies.

"im happy with you." helene whispered against her lips.

"and i you."

the uber arrived and they separated, they grabbed their bags and put them in the car.

sadie and helene were in a hotel now. the two decided to share a room at a hotel in downtown atlanta. it looked like a castle and helene loved every second of it.

helene looked out the window, surveying the roads down below. she felt sadies arms wrap around her waist, and her head laying on his back.

lena hummed, she dropped her hands from the railing to hold on to sadies hands.

he turned around and wrapped his arms around her neck.

"i love you." helene whispered.

sadie's cheeks went crimson and she had a huge grin on her face, "i love you." she replied. sadie kissed helene, it was the best kiss either of them had.

its the happiest they've ever been. why not end on a good note?

authors note
thank you for reading love song <3
i appreciate all of u and Maybe there
will be a sequel in the future. who knows?
this whole book is solely dedicated to rue,, whrkie

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