• Chapter 1: "The Day"

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It was morning, tho I was still in bed. I really don't want to get up because I don't feel like countinuing life or going through the cycle that's always the same. My eyes was still shut but I'm actually awake, overthinking early in the morning.

'I don't feel like getting up at all.. My head feels heavy and my body is aching.. What did I do last night..??' I tried to remember what happened, but my head feels very heavy. Leaving me clueless of what happened last night.

I tried to keep my eyes closed but the sunshine through the window covered my face, forcing me to wake up. Well, I got no other choice anyways..

I sat up on my bed, my feet was still under the blanket. I stared at the window for a bit, gazing at the garden view. The place that I often walk at. There's not much to do in the castle to be honest. It's just reading at the library, walk in the garden, do some trainings, and maybe running through the large halls of the castle.

I suddenly heard a creak on my door. It revealed a woman with a maid clothing which was holding a full course meal that seems to be for breakfast.

"Goodmorning Ms y/n, I have come to deliver your breakfast." She began talking.

"Oh, thank you" I thanked her, as she placed the food on my night table.

"No problem Ms. Lord Tsaritsa also told me to inform you that she wants to see you at her throne. As soon as possible."

"Tell her I'll be there after my breakfast."

"As you wish Ms. I shall take my leave" She bid her goodbye and goodmorning, then left my room.

'What does mother want now?..' I thought to myself as I stared at the food that was on my night table. It's not like I don't want to see her.. It's just that, it's a suprising thing that she wanted to see me, she usually ignore me.

But enough thinking, the food won't finish itself. Plus, she wanted to see me soon as possible, yet here I am still in bed.

I ate my breakfast then went to the bathroom to get ready. After I am finished getting ready, I left my bedroom and shut the door behind me. I speedly went through the large halls and head towards a large door with knights guarding it. The knights welcomed me with greetings and good morning, as they opened the large door for me.

Revealing a large room decorated with beautiful gold and metal ornaments that match, making it a themeful room. In the middle, there was a long red carpet that lead to the opposite side of the room. On the other end of the long red carpet, there was a huge throne. There sat the The Cryo Archon.

There was a moment of silence as I glanced around the room. Oh the memories when I was younger, where I am still allowed to enter. The room was completely the same as the last time I entered.

"Why hello y/n, my daughter!" She greeted me, breaking the silence.

"Hello mother, did you called me?"

"Yes I did, I have something to tell you.." She said as her face gets a bit serious. But she still has the same smile plastered on her face.

I gulped. "What is it mother?.."

"I wanted to tell you that, you're becoming a harbinger, the superior of the Fatui" She said with closed eye smile.

'Fatui? Is that the organization that mother runs? As for harbinger.. Is that the rank mother always talk about?' I thought to myself. I actually have no intentions on becoming a harbinger or have some connection with the fatui.. But why does she want me to be one?

"Why is that so, mother?" I asked her statement.

"Oh? Do you disagree? But I thought you always wanted to become one.. Besides, aren't you training for that title?"

'She's starting to make up wrong ideas. I never wanted to become a harbinger. Plus, I didn't say I disagreed..' I stared right to her eyes while clenching my fists.

"I didn't said I disagreed, plus I think you have misunderstood mother. I never trained for that title, I was even clueless about you making me into a harbinger."

"Oh silly me! I shouldn't thought of that! I'm very sorry for that my daughter. So would you gladly accept this statement or are you against it? If you're against it.. I always can give you another choice" She said with a evil smile.

I know what she's thinking, it's something evil. Maybe it's better becoming a harbinger than doing stuff worst than it. 'It's just collecting other Archon's gnosis, right?'

"I gladly accept it mother." I said as I place my hand on my chest.

"Great, great!" She cheered as she clapped her hands a bit. "I should start a meeting with the other harbingers then, they should get to know you!" She then called a fatui agent in, telling him to inform the harbinger about the meeting.

Wow.. Now I'm going to meet new people. A part of me feels excited, but another part of me also feels nervous. Deep down.. A part of me doesn't want to meet people. Geez, I'm too dramatic.

She then dismissed me and told me to join the meeting this afternoon, she wanted to show me to the harbinger as soon as possible. 'What will she say about me when she introduce me to those harbingers? Is she going to tell them I am her daughter?.. Whatever.'

I finally arrived at the library, maybe this time I should read books about harbingers since I couldn't stop wondering how will they be like and what they actually do than that common knowledge: hunting gnosis'.

I ran my hand through the books on the shelf, my eyes scanned the titles. '"Nation Of Freedom".. "Liyue And It's Adeptis".. "Tales Of The 7 Nations".. "The Dendro Nation".. Ah! There it is, "Fatui".'

My hand stopped and pulled out a book named "Fatui". I opened it's table of contents and searched for the chapter that discuss about the harbingers. I opened the page.

I brought the book to a table then took a seat, I started reading.

There were 11 harbingers, well.. I'm going to be the 12th. They have pictures of each harbinger. They looked fancy, and seem to be highly respected, well, they are the superiors of the fatui and they should be. I countinued reading but I don't seem to understand.. Maybe it's because I didn't read it from the beginning.. But, oh well! I'll be meeting them soon anyways.

I shut the book and place it back where it was before. I picked a novel to read.. And time flies..


To be countinued..


"Hope you enjoy the first chapter^^"
-Quinn, author.

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