Chapter Ten

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Hey, I know it's been far too long and I apologise! Thank you for voting and for your comments - they really do help me to write. Oh and warning, this really will need editing, I just have the energy to do it tonight. I know this is a boring chapter, and I apologise, but I needed to introduce you to another main character and I promise only a few more chapters and things will start really hotting up. =D 

'A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds'              -

Sir Francis Bacon.

I woke up at around half five. Great. Gotta love that Monday feeling! It was still pretty warm in the house but it was the beginning of September and the morning air was starting to get colder. I liked the autumn, it was such a beautiful time of year, but summer seemed to have flown by! My last job consisted of working in a book store and I barely had a tan because I had been indoors all summer.

I decided that I might as well get up because if I didn't I would just fall asleep again and be groggy all day. Running over to the bathroom, I flipped the light on and looked in the mirror. Hmmmm. I looked more tired than I had been in years, not since the time I lost the ability to sleep at all. Lord only knows what was wrong with me, but nothing some concealer couldn't cover up. Ignoring my reflection from then on, I hopped into the shower and made sure that the water was practically scorching my skin - nothing like a wake-up call. Sadly, knowing what luck always had in store for me, I very stealthily climbed out of the bathtub as I switched the water off because if I wasn't paying attention I would be on the floor in second with either a concussion or worse missing teeth and a concussion.

Walking over to my wardrobe in my traditional towel, I chose my outfit carefully, feeling like clinging to the safety of my favourite colours. Throwing a pair of black straight cut (almost skinny) trousers on, I then pinpointed my favourite dark forest green camisole and pulled it over my head. Looking further into my closet I then grabbed my best jumper that was also a dark green, allowing the lace from the camisole to complete the v-neck cut of the jumper. I glanced in my full length dressing mirror and decided that I looked smart-casual and so proceeded to go and dry my hair.

It was only when I had finished my make up that I realised I could hear quiet music playing from downstairs. It was only just approaching six thirty, but then again, Adam did say that he didn't really sleep. Finishing my outfit off with a pair of smart flats, I figured that it was breakfast time. I carefully took the stairs two at a time and almost slipped on the last step on the first flight, but luckily I managed to save myself and grabbed the banister just in time. Of course as I looked up from my fantastic and perfectly silent save, Adam was coming up the stairs towards his room and had an adorable expression on his features - a mixture of amusement and puzzlement. I casually pretended that I had not just almost fallen over, whilst Adam continued to examine me with his head cocked to one side, perfect eyebrows drawn together and his mouth irked to one side as if to say he was confused as to what did actually happened. What can I say - I'm very good at stumbling upon the strangest of accidents.

"Morning gorgeous," I decided that my only method of shrugging off my embarrassment would be to distract the witness using my best 'Joey' impression, "how you doin'?" I even did the look with it that I had perfected oh so many years ago.

Adam shook his head, and that dumbfounded expression was magically erased from his beautiful face.

"Morning Char. Ready for today? How are you feeling? Excited?"

"No. More like...Like a teapot. Excited. Petrified. Excited. Reluctant. Er, no I think that's it thanks."

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