Bucky Bear

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"Mamma! Pappa!" Astrid shouted into the darkness. "Kom tillbaka!" Her parents were being taken away, dying in a snowstorm. Their house was ripped apart.  Her pappa was sheilding her mamma from the storm, but that did nothing in the end. They both ended up frozen and lifeless. 

Tears soaked her pillow. The leather couch was hot and stuck to her skin. 

"Bucky Bear." she whispered, her voice not capable of the volume of moments before.

"Astrid!" Bucky screamed. Hydra was taking away his precious Fiică. They were going to torture her and turn her into a shell of a human. Made to do their evil bidding. And all he could do was watch, as Astrid was being dragged away from him, screaming in swedish. Kom tillbaka! This was the end. And he could do nothing to help.

There was a thunder clap and Bucky woke up with a jolt. Astrid was whispering his name from the other couch. "Bucky Bear." Tears soaked her hair. Her face was scrunched up in a look of emotional pain.

"Copil Curajos, you are ok. I am here my Fiică." Bucky was beside the couch in an instant, making sure she was that she was there. 

"Jag saknar dig Åska." Astrid was sobbing, hot tears pouring from her eyes.

Bucky gently shook her awake and held her in his arms. The embers emitted a comforting glow, gently bringing Astrid back into consciousness. Astrid cired into Bucky's chest. He slowly rocked her until she was calm.

"I never got to say g-g-goodbye to... Mamma and Pappa. They... d-died in a blizzard. I, I was in a c-cave and no one in m-my village survived." choked out the tormented fifteen year old. 

Bucky listened, never interrupting once. After Astrid had finished, he hummed some of Just Like Heaven. He had noticed how that song had made Astrid relax enough to fall asleep so early. He had a feeling that she didn't normally go to sleep that easy.

"It isn't your fault Dragă." he whispered into her blonde hair. "You are ok. I'm here now. I love you. You are brave. I won't leave you. Everything is going to be alright."

"I love you too Bucky Bear." 


Astrid had just finished Emily of New Moon and felt like she needed to DO something. Her enhanced hearing picked up some classical music floating up from the floor below. She decided to investigate.

Astrid opened the door to the dance room. Natasha was delicately pirouetting around the room to the opening of Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker. 

Her red tutu and pointe shoes gave her the look of a real ballerina, no doubt she was. 


Natasha stopped.

"Oh, hey Astrid. Umm, what are you doing here?"

"I heard some music and I thought I would see what it was. You looked so pretty."

"Oh, thanks. They taught ballet in the Red Room and its kinda a part of me now. I teach Wanda now and then. Do you want me to teach you?"

"Really? You would do that? I would love to dance like that!"

"Okay, we can start next week."


Nat sat on a stool and untied her pointe shoes. Astrid took that as her que to leave. 


"Hey Astrid?"

"Yeah Bucky."

"Tony says that you have to start your training soon. Come choose your stuff so that we can get started tomorrow."


Astrid and bucky made their way down to floor minus two. Then Bucky walked to a hidden side panel and punched in a code. The wall clicked and slid away revealing a room full of weapons and a room beyond that full of cars and motorbikes and the like.

"So, have you ever used a gun or a bow?"

"I used to use a bow to shoot goats when I was eight. Rabbits when I was nine and small birds when I was ten. Pappa taught me really well."

"Well, Clint finally got his wish. He can train an archer. So, um what do you want me to train you how to use first? Weapons, or a vehicle?"

"How about that four-wheeler over there?"

"Sure. And I'll teach you how to use a rifle. Maybe you could come hunting with me."

Astrid nodded her head, she was excited to learn how to be an Avenger. This was going to be fun!



Phew, this took a while to write.

New character soon!

Love y'all


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