Chapter 8: Choice

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Charlie and Vaggie stared at Y/N. As Y/N stared back.

Y/N: Before you say anything, calm down. I am not a threat. Judging by you and your girlfriend's reaction, you two seem surprised. Y/N turned back at his food. He took a chicken tender and dipped it into the ketchup. Then, he took a bite of it.

Charlie: Yeah... right. But how are you able to survive in this vile filled city of hooligans? She whispers.

Charlie (whispering): Even though you're a mere human here. She leaned and whispered in his ear.

Y/N grabbed his drink and sipped some of it. And placed it back to where it was. Y/N moved his head a bit to Charlie and Vaggie's direction.

Y/N: I just stay away from them. I always go to the areas that are less populated. But it seems that this city is a bit... overpopulated I think. Y/N scratched his head. He took a few krinkle fries and dipped them into the ketchup and ate all of them at once.

Charlie looked away from Y/N and glanced at the Frappuccino that was already served to her a moment ago. Watching the steam come from the coffee. She smiled slightly. Using both hands, she grabbed the Frappuccino and took a sip of it.

Charlie: I was looking forward to meeting you, Y/N. I've been told by Angel that you were the unsociable type. Why is that? What made you become distant from others? Charlie asked. Seems like she knows Angel Dust and the others.

Y/N: It's... complicated. Look, I just...
Y/N paused and thinked. I mean, she was right. Y/N distance himself from others because he would always think negatively about them. One, it's hard for him to know what their true intentions are. Two, he can't identify their personalities. And three, Y/N has lost faith on how others feel. That's the reason why he become more isolated. He thought that being alone and isolated would be good for him, but Y/N didn't know for sure if it was the right path to be on.

They say that loneliness isn't the feeling of being alone, it's the feeling of belief that no one likes you. Y/N liked being by himself. But, wasn't it healthy?

Y/N: Look, you seem like a nice woman to talk to, but I have my ways. Do you know what it's like to have everything you used to love but it rots away overtime because of apathy? Y/N began eating the rest of the food he ordered.

Vaggie got done finishing her strawberry milkshake. She used a napkin on the counter and wiped her face with it. Vaggie got up from her stool and put a hand on Charlie's shoulder.

Vaggie: Hon, I'll be back. Gotta go to the bathroom. Vaggie then walked towards the women's bathroom.

Charlie: Ok. Take your time!
Charlie told her while she looked back at Y/N. She just had to think of something to get Y/N involved with people. Charlie is an expert at socializing. But she never used her social skills much when trying to convince sinners and hellborns to seek redemption. So, an idea ran through her mind.

Charlie: You know what was rude of me this whole time? I didn't even tell you or my girlfriend's name. Since I know your name. My name is Charlotte Magne. The other woman you saw with me, her name was Vaggie. Just call me by Charlie, if you want. Charlie held out a hand to Y/N. Y/N saw this and sighed. Y/N accepted her handshake.

Charlie: I am the princess of my father Lucifer Magne and mother Lilith Magne who rule over hell. She said.

Y/N: So what, we're friends now? I don't mean to rude or anything. Or does relationships have to build up in order to maintain friendships? Y/N asked. Charlie actually approved of this question by him.

Charlie: Yes, in fact. By maintaining better relationships, you should get to know each other overtime. Like, sharing hobbies, what jobs you work at, a favorite place to eat, how to keep in touch with your friends, etc. Charlie explained how to socialize properly just by following all these tips she gave out.

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