Chapter Seven

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Gulf's POV

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Gulf's POV

I woke up in a hotel bed. I don't even remember what happened yesterday.

I can recall a few moments, like there was a man with me here and He-

What the hell!? My dick is burning!

Shit! I need to go. I have a part time job.

I hurriedly find clothes to wear. I can't find my uniform. I bet he already get rid of it, and I can't go back to that bar, 'cause I'm sure I got fired.

I can't remove my pj's, My dick is burning like hell and my legs are so weak. It's uncomfortable. But I manage to remove my boxer's and I only wear back my pj's.

I sit on the bed and looking around while sitting. There was a kitchen near the door and a mini living room, with a 48 inches TV, mini table and a couch for four people to sit.

I can see the whole room from the bed room because the wall is a transparent glass.

I felt like my sleep is not enough so I lay down on the bed and fell asleep.
I woke up by the ringing phone and the Ringtone is not mine. I have no choice but to pick it up.

I didn't read who's calling. i just answered it and put the phone in my right ear.

"hello?" I greeted.

"It's already past lunch, have you eaten?" This voice.

I looked at the screen and It was Mew, The man who was with me last night.

"Hello?! Are still there?" I dazed for a minute. not until I heard him on the other line.

"Y-yeah" I stammered because I think I'm not fully awake yet.

"Answer me Gulf " He said in a stern voice.

"N-not yet." I replied. Why do I keep stuttering.

"Okay, Where are you?" Why is asking?

"Stay where you are and wait for me, Okay?" I'm happy because he want to see me.

It's been a long time since I have this feeling. I'm always alone and I was an introvert, I don't interact with people unless it's important.

People always talk behind my back. The children in the orphanage found me weird because, I always have a expressionless face and I talk less.

From that time I already accepted that no one wants to be friend with me. They also make fun of me because I can't even tell which is blue or yellow.

Let's not think about the past. At least I'm happy right now.

My thought was back to reality when I heard the door opened.

"Gulf?" He called from the door. I just answered him and wait for him to come in the bedroom, because it's hard to walk. I even had to remove my boxers.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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