Chapter 2 - Eumin's party

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I put on my maroon matte lipstick and curled my eyelashes before applying thick black eyeliner on my eyelids. I had straightened my hair and colored my nails blood red. I was wearing a short tight black dress with red heels, perfect to impress Eumin and Dan.
I heard the bell ring and walked down the stairs carefully not to break my heels. I opened the door to Dan holding a bouquet of daisies. "Oh Dan!" I gushed as I pulled him closer for a hug and a kiss for his cheek.
He kissed my cheek back and smiled, "Are you ready? You look so hot." I blushed and put the flowers away before joining him again.
Malé was a small city so we walked to the party, which was basically ten minutes away.
Dan always brought the drugs so the second we got to the party we started smoking.
I was looking around the place, it looked pretty nice. Green, red and blue lights were everywhere and I could only make out silhouettes from a distance. The music was loud and I was wondering if anyone brought ecstasy, that'd be fun.
I was rocking my head to the beat, smoking the j and having a good time with Dan next to me. We saw familiar faces, mostly kids from my school but they weren't the nerds. They were from year 12 and 13 so they were cool.
The only two people I saw from my year were Eumin and Harmony. Eumin was in the crowd and I could only see his silhouette but I knew that was him.
I know him very well.
Harmony on the other hand was in a corner with her phone, probably texting a boy she has a crush on.
Dan grabbed my waist and smirked at me. I smiled back and leaned in for a kiss, but I was taken back when he pressed me against the wall and started making out. His hands squeezed my waist and stroked my hips with his thumbs.
My eyes were closed but I could feel his touch all over my body.
I felt butterflies in my stomach as I tried to move my tongue as fast as his did.
I had the sudden urge to open my eyes, and to my horror I saw Eric.
He was wearing the same clothes from school, except with white loafers.
I burst into laughter and Dan took a step back, surprised. "What?" He asked with his eyebrows furrowed.
He followed my gaze and saw Eric. "Who's that?", he asked, studying my face. I replied mockingly, "It's the new kid I told you about. Let's fuck with him yeah?"
I walked to him, with Dan behind my lead. Eric didn't see me yet, and I pulled out a joint from Dan's jeans. I lit it, put it to my lips and took a long puff.
"Hey Eric. Nice to see you here.", I tapped on Eric's shoulder and blew smoke on his face.
He blinked a few times before making out who was in front of him, when he saw it was me he looked kind of relieved but also mortified.
His facial expressions were a new world wonder.
Before he could say anything, I handed him the joint. "Here, it's a good party." I smiled at him.
He looked confused at first, and squinted his eyes to see. When he realized what it was, he took a step back and his face reddened with anger.
He looked around and his gaze stopped at something. I glared at him, daring him to say no so I can call him a nerd, but he looked back to me, confused now.
He carefully placed the joint on his lips and took a puff. He looked back to whatever he was looking at a few seconds ago, and I think he winked?
I don't know and I didn't care either, I was so surprised he actually did it I looked back to Dan looking at me disapprovingly.
I heard a muffled cough, followed by what seemed like the sound of choking. Eric looked back at me like he was about to die. I didn't care about him, so I just gave him my best I-pity-you look and shrugged.
I don't know what was going on in his head but he spat the joint out and walked away. "Hey!" I yelled back at him but he didn't look back, his shoulders were still slouched and moving abruptly.
This must've been his first time smoking anything. What the actual fuck.
I picked the joint up, annoyed that it was bent so I dropped it again and crunched it under my red heels.
Dan tapped my shoulders and pointed towards the crowd which has formed around the dancing area. It wasn't the normal kind of crowd, people were laughing hysterically and pointing. I rushed towards the area, excited to see what it was about.
To my horror, and delight, it was Eric they were laughing at.
He was crouched in front of Eumin, vomit oozing out of his mouth. It was disgusting to see, but nonetheless hilarious. He had his arms around his stomach when he looked up at Eumin.
Eumin! His shirt was covered in brown vomit, and another fit of laughter escaped my mouth.
I immediately regretted it, but I figured it was okay because this eliminates Eric as my competitor for Eumin.
There's no way in hell Eumin was going to forgive Eric for throwing up on him, in HIS party.
Eumin looked back at Eric disgusted, my heart leaped at the scene in front of me. I loved seeing people embarrassed.
Next thing I know, Eric rushed to the toilet with vomit dripping down his shirt. Everyone moved away from him like he had cooties.
I moved away from the crowd and near the table which had booze. I reached out to grab a red cup but Dan smacks my hand away.
"What?" I glare at him, "This party is pretty boring."
He smirks at me and pulls me away to a corner.
He takes a packet out of his shirt's pocket and places it on my palm. My lips immediately breaks out into a grin.
In the packet were four perfect little red pills.
We move back to the booze table and placed a pill each on our tongues and washed it down with alcohol. I had to wait for a few minutes for the buzz to kick in. I looked around and saw Eric again, rushing towards the door. I ran towards him and slung my arm around his shoulders.
"Hey buddy!" I exclaimed enthusiastically, "Do you want to lighten your mood?" I hovered the packet over his face, showing him the remaining two pills. He glared at me, placed his hands on my shoulders and shoved me away.
"What the fuck?" I yelled at him. Dan caught me with ease, and when I looked back at him his eyes were full of rage. "Don't ever touch my fucking girlfriend again." He yelled at Eric as well.
Eric just kept walking, so we decided to ignore him and go back to the party.
Four hours later, it was 2AM and I was at Dan's house.
We danced for hours till our feet ache but we still hadn't had enough. We sneaked back into Dan's house when the ecstasy started wearing off and we needed to cool down.
We decided to take a shower together. My mind was buzzing from all the memories I had made tonight, and the euphoric feeling from the drug still hadn't worn off.
I decided to take this opportunity to shower with Dan and touch his body.
The water was cool, and feeling it run down my sweaty body was amazing.
I heard Dan moan next to me, and I ran my fingers down his chest, caressing his skin slowly. I spread kisses all over his chest while he massaged my head thoroughly.
After the shower, we dried off and got into bed. It was almost 3AM and I had school at 8 tomorrow morning.
We looked at each other and kissed for while I let him play with me for a while.
Believe it or not, the bad girl is still a virgin. The most I had done was this and sucking Dan off, we hadn't really talked about sex so it didn't seem like a big deal even though it was always in the back of our minds. It was going to happen someday, we know it, but not yet so we chose to ignore it.
I let everyone think I'm the number one slut or whatever just for the heck of it. People would believe anything, and when I say anything, I mean it.
After Dan and I were done, we were panting.
Ecstasy exaggerated everything, the happiness, the music, even the orgasms.
My favorite part about it.
I whispered I love you to Dan and he kissed my hair before mumbling he loved me too.
We drifted off to sleep around 4, just to be woken up by my alarm at 7.
Along with the alarm, another beep caught my attention.
I slid my finger over the notification captioned "Harmony", and awaiting me was a five minute video captioned 'LMAO this freak'.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2015 ⏰

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