☁️Chapter 1 : Eternal sleep☁️

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5000 years before Spike and little Twilight woke up  

Meanwhile at Canterlot Castle 

"Princesses what's going on?!?" Twilight yelled in fear 

"we are under attack Twilight" Celestia said

"it seems that Chrysalis,Cozy Glow and Tirek have escaped from Tartarus"Luna said

WHAT!? said Twilight

"and it also seems that King Sombra is also back we had to evacuate the crystal empire we barely got out " said Cadance 

"are you guys okay?!"Twilight asked concerningly 

"Yes but we have to ask you for a major favour"said Cadance

"twilight we need to to hold our alicorn magic we trust that you can keep it safe"said Celestia

"you want me to do what?!?"yelled Twilight

"Twilight"said Spike

"oh sorry princesses"said Twilight

"it's okay Twilight but we need you to"said Luna

"...okay"said Twilight 

"but how will the sun and moon get lowered if you don't have your magic "said Twilight

"and thats when this comes in"said Celestia

* celestia and luna uses there magic to bring in this huge clock*

"a clock?"said Twilight

"it my seem like a normal clock but inside is a device which can raise the sun the moon without magic we don't know how long this will last but until you wake up and figure out the magic if will do"said Luna 

"What do you mean by wake up princess?"said Twilight

"sorry Twilight"said Celestia

"wha....."said Twilight

Celestia , Luna and Candance put there horns together then aimed at Twilight then a light hit 

Twilight slowly fell asleep as she got transferred the powers of the other princesses after the light was gone on the floor asleep what a small alicorn filly and that filly was Twilight

with a cutie mark that is a sun ,star ,moon ,and Crystal heart the cutie Mark represents all the princesses powers in one Twilight was officially the new Crystal Princess and ruler of a equestria

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with a cutie mark that is a sun ,star ,moon ,and Crystal heart the cutie Mark represents all the princesses powers in one Twilight was officially the new Crystal Princess and ruler of a equestria

"now Spike we need to ask to look after Twilight you also need to be put to sleep you and Twilight will only wake up when it's safe you will most likely wake up first so we are asking to protect her from harm until she is able to protect herself " asked Celestia

"Twilight might lose her memories depending on how long you guys are going to be asleep"said Luna

"we do not know if magical survive after this fight so you and twilight will be the hope for the future"said Cadance

"I promise princesses"said Spike

"oh and Spike we've made a castle that cloaked in a spell to make it invisible to evil magic and evil pony's and clock will be stored in the castle it doesn't break before twilight wakes up all the sun and moon will not raise or lower without twilight and it would cause panic in future"

"I will princesses"said Spike

"good bye Spike"said the alicorn princesses

Spike's eyes slowly started to close then we was asleep with a little bit of magic they still have left the use some of it to teleport them to the castle.

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