*+:。.。Chapter 1。.。:+*

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God. A simple yet terrifying word to mortals,a God can easily destroy anything and that's why mortals are scared of them but not all of them, some Gods are nice and are willingly protecting mortals. A God taking care of a mortal is hard but can be done which нє think is against the rules but what happens when the God of all, Notch, decided to give the End God a little brother to take care of?



*3rd person*

A certain blonde boy was walking through the forest finding a button to lead him to his secret base as he didn't want anyone to steal his stuff or trespass his home.

You might be wondering. Who is this certain blonde boy we're talking about? Well, it's non other than the admin of the Dream SMP, Dreamwastaken. And why are we talking about him? That's another day to explain but I'll give you some back story about him, his brother and some other Gods.

{|•21 years ago•|} (still on 3rd person POV btw)

DreamXD was the End God and people fear him, admire him and even adore him because of him protecting them from any danger that will ever happen to them. XD was never a social one because he will fear that if you get attached to a mortal, you will break the rules but boy was he wrong.

As we all know, Notch is the creator of Minecraft, and is basically the God of all. Notch was a very social one compared to XD, he likes talking to mortals and mortals likes talking to the kind God. Notch always grant everyone's wishes but never grant the evil ones wishes as he knew, will lead an SMP to a mess no one can fix and only the evils ruling it. (That's kinda like a poetic thing to say :0)

On a meeting with a few Gods discussing about how 'interesting' mortals are just like always, Notch looked at XD who was quietly sitting across from him and listening to them talk. He then noticed a bit of blue aura (explanation is on the first part of this book) around him and he felt bad for the End God so he stand up and walked over, gaining everyone's attention and stopped talking.

(If you guys noticed that the writing is a bit different on the next paragraphs,then that's just Deni's (or @Im_Not_a_SimpXD) writing style.)

"XD,may I have a word with you? In private..." Notch whispered to XD,

XD nodded and walked with Notch to a private room so that no one can hear what they're gonna talk about.

"So- I was wondering, are you contacting with mortals recently?" Notch suddenly asked, crossing his arms. XD looked at him but couldn't found any aura around him.

XD just stood there not wanting to tell Notch that he's been contacting with mortals recently,

"Uhh- only for a bit..." XD responded and looked down expecting a lecture about why he's contacting with mortals recently.

Notch sighed, "Look, I'm not gonna give you a lecture or something but I do have a favor for you. I want you to take care of 'someone' for me." Notch spoke in a low tone.

"I will gladly do your favor but may I ask who's this 'someone' I will take care of?" XD said and questioned at the same time,

"I'm not supposed to tell you this 'someone' yet but they're gonna be your-" Notch got cut off by Cybele, the goddess of caverns,mountains,nature and wild animals call for her brother. (I searched for some goddesses names so- also,I might add random stuffs on this book cuz the plot isn't really planned -3-)

"XD, mother wants to talk to you for awhile about something so I don't really know." Cybele speaks up.

"Alright,I'll be with you for a bit." XD said and smiled at Cybele, not that she's gonna see it tho.

"I'll wait for you at the front gate, bye XD and Notch." Cybele bow her head and take her leave,

"Actually XD," Notch began, "I have other things to do so you can go to your sister to meet your mother." Notch nodded his head at XD as a goodbye and teleported away leaving XD just standing there awkwardly.

A sigh escaped his lips as he teleported to his sister,Cybele to go and have a little '¢нαт' with their mother.

808 words.

Hello there little blueberries! (●'▽'●)ゝ I know the first chapter isn't really that interesting but hey, atleast I posted the 1st chapter. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Also,thank you again for Im_Not_a_SimpXD 's help since my brain is literally malfunctioning when I can't think for an idea on the end. •v•

Anyways,I'll see you guys next time,bye and have a nice day. 😊💙

[This chapter edited since there are some mistakes that I'm bothered with and I fixed them a little.]

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