Day 1

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June 29th, 1988 7:30am

Syphus' Home, a.k.a Creepy House

I woke to an alarm going off and groggily rolled over to shut it off, fighting back the urge to roll over and fall back asleep. I had been having a good dream, a dream of the future. Mine and Syntec's. That was the nice thing about owning a company. You could dream, and take whatever path you chose. You were in control. And today was a big day. I shook the dream off and got ready to go. I brushed my hair and teeth, then threw on my uniform: black button-up with black cargo pants and a black jacket. A little dark, but that's how doctors dressed hundreds of years ago, and I liked the way they did it. Back when things were... easier, for doctors. Less complicated. However, we still used white for public events such as press conferences or commercials. It made us seem more... professional, to the outside world at least.

Once I was ready, I grabbed my backpack (also black) and checked to make sure it contained everything it should. Keys, both for my car and for the office. A notepad, two pens, sunglasses, water bottle, and wallet... all there. I paused when I got outside. It's actually really nice out.

Drive or bike?

I eventually opted to drive. I currently only had 45 minutes to get to Syntec, and I wanted to stop at In-N-Out on the way. I saw the red sign: 'In-N-Out Hamburgers, No Delay'. Suddenly an idea hit me. You know? I like the stripes on the corners. I'll have to have Deb do something with that. We already had the red color in part of our logo. I pulled up to the food stand to order drive-thru. Their method really was ingenious. It was too bad you couldn't order drugs or chemicals like that. Maybe I could invent it... no, the FDA would never go for it. I ordered my special: mustard-grilled patty. I don't know if anyone else does it, but it's amazing. I got my food and chomped it down on the way to work. As I bit through the spicy, crunchy mustard layer, my brain told me exactly why I was sensing those things; the chemicals that cause taste and the Maillard reaction causing the mustard to brown and stiffen. I didn't care. It just tasted good.

8:30 a.m. - Syntec Laboratories (Modern Day Hi5/ Southeast Company)

I felt a familiar sense of pride pulling into the parking lot of my company. I knew Wes technically owned part of Syntec, but he let me run it for the most part. And it was beautiful. Spotless white walls, broken only by a splash of color in the red, yellow, and blue logo, which had been Deb's brainchild. She had been very useful. I had hired her as an advisor because her Myers-Briggs and enneagram had been the exact opposite of mine. That would be off putting for most people, but I wanted (and knew I needed, although I didn't like to admit it) someone to counter me. I had made mistakes before, and she made me think. And also proven herself to be a very competent designer. It had been her idea to wear white for public affairs, and she had created the logo. Both had helped us grow in the public eye.

I got out of my Mountaineer, pausing for a moment to admire it. It was a bit ugly, but when Wes had 'procured' the blueprints for a car that wouldn't come out for the next 10 years, for a company that hadn't even begun yet? It had been a chance to great to pass up, especially since Wes and I were the only two who owned one. And it had proven to the government just how fast we could work. I slipped on my nametag, humming to myself. The name tag read, 'Nelson L. Syphus, Executive'. Time to go.

8:35 a.m. - Syntec Private Conference Room (Modern 863 HQ)

"I just don't feel good about this!" Wesley was sitting across from me, hands folded into a tent on the dark mahogany table. Deb was next to him, a little closer than usual. I half smiled. I'd known that was going to happen eventually. Honestly, everyone else in the lab knew it was going to happen except for them.

"Why not?"

"The government wants us to revisit creepy 1950s experiments. Mind control, hypnotization, that sort of thing. Why shouldn't I feel weird about this? Besides, those projects were shut down for a reason. I don't want them to put something on us we'll regret."

I leaned back and folded my arms behind my head. I had to look confident in order to get through to Wes. We needed this contract. "Relax, Wes. The contract says we can pull out at any time. If it gets too weird or too dangerous, we can shut it down. And besides, isn't it kind of interesting? It's not just mind control. Enzymes that can melt body fat like butter. The perfect exercise routine to help actors change their bodies like they own it- because they do! Ooh, that's a good tag line. Deb, can you write that down?" She nodded, somewhat shocked at my distraction. Eh, inspiration strikes at odd times. She hadn't gotten used to it yet, but she would. Maybe she could be my personal assistant someday... but for now, Autumn will have to do.

They were both staring at me, waiting for me to continue. I coughed to hide my embarrassment and continued. "Those are the first ones they want us to do. Projects that will be popular with the public, get more people interested. Think about how many people those little projects will help!" And how much revenue it'll bring in...

"I guess you're right. You know I've always supported you. It's just... you know I don't trust the government or the law. Any of them." Deb put her hand over his, giving him a comforting smile. You know, maybe she would be good for him! Help his paranoia. Or make it worse. That would be bad. We three all knew that he'd had a few... special encounters with the government. Not that anyone trusted the government at this point anyway. That's why I was the face of the company instead of him.

I got up and walked around the table, putting myself on the other side of him from Deb and placing a hand on Wes' shoulder. "I added a point to the deal. About you." He gasped. "You told them about me? What did you tell them?" I squeezed his shoulder. "Wes, calm down. I've made you a free man! An official pardon from the president himself." I stood back and watched as he went through a range of emotions, from confusion to fear to surprise to amazement. He slowly stood up and turned to face me. I was shocked to see genuine tears in his eyes. "For real?"

"Yes. For real." I smiled and he smiled back, and then suddenly his arms were around me. I instantly stiffened, glancing around. nothing. And, for that matter, no one would be in for another 15 minutes. Which meant I didn't have to act professional. I loosened, patting my co-founder and friend's back. Deb also came in, gently stringing her arms around the both of us. She was surprisingly strong. "You deserve this, Wes." She whispered warmly. "You've done so much for everyone here, and throughout the world." I jumped in- "Yes you do, friend. You deserve to be able to to show your face on your own company." He let go. "Our company."


He sat down again, unable to take everything in. "Oh gosh, man. I owe you. Big time."

Yes. Yes you do, Wesley.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2022 ⏰

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