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a/n - the story starts at 1x02 as the cheerios don't really show much in episode 1 anyways enjoy.

The unholy squad were walking past Will Schuester and Emma Pillsbury, the guidance councillor and the Spanish and Glee teacher. who looked as if they were having a very awkward conversation " Get a room " the spicy Latina said whilst making a disgusted face "coach Sylvester want to see you in her office Mr Shue and she doesn't like to be kept waiting." Hayley Campbell said not bothering to wait for a reply.

Hayley Campbell was co-captain of the cheerios with Quinn Fabray, the two were quite close but not as close as Hayley and Santanna. The two have been linked at the hip ever since they met in freshmen year, the two would do anything for each other. Hayley is also quite close with the other blonde Brittany, she didn't understand why people called her stupid, she believes one day Brittany is gonna become something really big and everyone will regret calling her stupid. Hayley has never been in love yet at least she thinks she hasn't, shes had an on and off relationship with Noah Puckerman, also known as a huge ass and a player, Hayley knows puck has cheated on her a million times but she also knew that she had cheated on him once or twice, the two weren't in love, but when they did spend time with each other they had lots of fun (was this to much did i go into too much detail please let me know how i can improve)

Hayley was in celibacy club ,wich Quinn had begged her to join, but trust me she was not celibate... Quinn started the celibacy club and introduced our newest member Rachel berry. Rachel eagerly asked for the boys, to Hayley it was clear what her intentions were. Rachel thought she was being subtle with the heart eyes she had been giving Finn but she hadn't Hayley noticed it.

with the boys, they were talking how far the girls let them get. " puck how far does hayley let you go " one of the obnoxios football boys asked " all the way, all the time " puck answered with a smirk,

Back with the girls, " god bless the Perv that invented these" Quinn said as Hayley spun around her skirt that was a size to small. the girls then proceeded to do their power motto "its all about the teasing and not about the pleasing," the boys entered not to long after. " lets pair up for the immaculater affection, Now remeber if the ballon pops, the noise makes the angels cry." Quinn said with her normal grin. everyone proceeded to get in pairs. Quinn with Finn, Santanna with Matt and Hayley with Puck, Rachel was the last one left to pair up and got left with JBI. the pairs placed the balloons in between them. puck started to playfully grind into hayley, making the co-captain of the cheerios laugh. BANG! Finn and Quinn's balloons popped. guess they made the angels cry . "Finn!" the blonde cried " it must've hit my zipper " Finn said trying to come up with an exscuse. rachel proceeds to go on with a giant speech about how all girls want sex blah blah blah and then storms out of the room. UGH how dramatic. ( okay should i start doing it hayleys pov I need ideas)

Hayleys POV. ( i write better like this)

it was the school assembly all the cheerios were sat at the back of the hall. principle Figgins came out and introduced the new directions who did a really bad peformance to the song push it, it was really embarassing yet the whole school applauded. i think they were trying to be sexy but failed, not to mention Rachel literally dry humping Finn on stage even though hes dating Quinn

Quinn is making us try out for glee club, you heard me GLEE club, shes doing it all for Finn. the cheerios all walked in, Mr Schuester was surprised to see us, we all got in position ready to sing me and Quinn at the front and Britt and San at the back, brad the piano player started playing' say a little pray for you'

after our peformance we had to go to break the news to coach Sylvester. " let me get this straight your joining glee club" sue asked us showing no emotion on her face at all. " im sorry coach sylvestor but something is going on with finn and that thing, you saw how it was undressing him with its eyes" quinn said " please dont kick us off the cheerios" she said as she started crying "cease fire on the water works i dont wanna hear it i dont wanna see it " sue said, i kinda tuned out the rest of the conversation since she wasn't really talking to me.

A/N: FIRST CHAPTER IS DONE< please feel free to give me ideas, i do think i need to add more scenes maybe as hayley at home aswell what pov would you like me to write in, now this took me ages to write so i dont know when im posting next but yeh

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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