Last Christmas (2)

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Harry and Ema have 5 kids together
(Harry & Ema) Kids Names are:

Roslina Gryffindor
Jason Gryffindor
James 2 Potter
Albus Potter
Lilly Potter

Hermione and y/n have 2 kids

(Hermione & y/n) Kids Names are:

Viloet Granger-Ravenclaw

Jenna Granger-Ravenclaw

Holly and Ron have 8 kids together

(Ron Weasley & Holly Winchester-Weasley) Kids Names are:

Nikki Winchester
Troy Winchester
Angel Winchester

Penelope Weasley
Hugo Weasley
Dustin Weasley
Dec 24, 2010

Harrys Pov:

It was certainly strange being 30 Harry thought to himself as looked over to Hermione setting the Christmas tree with y/n and their kids they adopted


Ema walks in the front door with groceries and with Ron behind her dressed as Santa

Ema: look guys a weird Santa man appeared *she went to the kitchen*

Ron: bime me Ema that's harsh

Ema: what's its better then you being married to Holly

Holly entered

Holly: hey now I did nothing to you

Harry chuckles

Holly: I'm going to strangle your husband Ema

Ema: go for it he won't die anyways

Hermione: guys their are children present here

Ema: my bad I keep forgetting that

Holly: I think Hermione and y/n only ones left in group that their children haven't left for hogwarts left

Y/n: hey we weren't in rush to have kids like you Holly

Holly: I'm sorry if I kept popping out triplets for my first pregnancy and then my second pregnancy that's when I decided 8 kids were enough for me

Ron: *rubs the back of his neck* I guess I was extremely lucky

Hermione: definitely true

Harry: I hate saying this but has anyone seen Cecilia any where?

Hermione: no not sense I've been here

Y/n: I hate asking this but who the hell is Cecilia?

Ema: Our pet cat

Y/n: ooo then no I haven't seen her sorry

Harry: dang it oh well

Ema: she's probably outside Harry

Ron: probably

Hermione: hey Viloet and Jenna can you go upstairs please to be ready for tomorrow?

Viloet: of course mom

Jenna: alright mommy

Y/n: goodnight girls

Jenna: night mother

Violet: goodnight dear mother

Violet and Jenna run upstairs to go to bed

Hermione: thanks girls and goodnight

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