Chapter 1

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ok guys this is chapter 1, be excited and expect great things woo! anyways, i updated the cast of this story and kylie jenner plays serena cuz she has blue hair ofcourse. lemme now what you think, leave a comment below, vote, follow, and add anddd yeah. PEACE, LOVE, AND WATTPAD.

Dear diary, Shakespeare once said,"when I first saw you, I fell in love and you smiled because you knew." That's what happened when I met Ethan that day in the library. I had my headphones in listening to Jhene Aiko "the worst" and had my head stuck in a big book called Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. It was my absolute favorite. I sat in the back of the library against a tall bookshelf filled with classic literature novels. I remember I heard the soft foot steps of his black vans as he approached me. He sat down next to me and leaned over to observe my book.
"Great choice, I love pride and prejudice." he stated proudly. this took me by surprise because one, he was a boy, and two, everybody hated classic lit!
"Are you kidding, there's no way you like pride and prejudice." I gestured to him.
"Of course I do, then how would I know that it's a romantic book filled with struggle and how the story follows the main character, Elizabeth Bennet, as she deals with issues of manners, upbringing, morality, education, and marriage in the society of the landed gentry of the British Regency."
Oh my god! He truly did like it. I think I had found my soulmate!
"You don't understand how hard it is to find someone who likes classics!" I said with a sigh.
"Well you found me." he said with a smirk and a flirtatious wink. I blushed a crimson red and he noted it.
"You know your really beautiful when you blush and smile."
"Thanks, I guess" I said as I blushed harder at the word "beautiful". A guy actually called me beautiful. I pushed my glasses up the bridge of my nose. Before I knew it, I saw his hands were approaching my face. He took of my glasses leaving me half blinded. I looked him straight in the eye and begged him to return them.
"You should get contacts, you look pretty and have really nice lashes."
Before things could get anymore awkward, I took my glasses and put them back on.
"I'm Ethan Senegal, nice to meet you." he then proudly shook my hand and placed a soft kiss on it.
"I'm Serena Martin." I said with a small smile. At that moment, I knew it was a start of a beautiful relationship.
I remember our first kiss like it was yesterday. He had invited me to his house to tutor him in math and I gladly accepted the offer. We were sitting on his bed doing our work one minute and the next he was straddling me with all our books on the floor, passionately kissing me. It was my first kiss as well as my first intimate moment. His lips were so soft as he placed small kisses on my face, jawline, and neck. Sometimes, I would look at the starry sky and think about him, even miss him. He once said,"you know no matter how far we are, we always look at the same stars." It brought tears to my eyes every time.

Thinking about him was torture. That night was our first date, a picnic under the stars, corny I know but sweet. I was so sad when I caught him. I didn't even let him explain. Maybe I should've but eh the past is in the past what can ya do? I truly did love that guy.
I shut my diary and put it away.
On to something positive. .
I started school today and it was an amazing experience. Stuvyesant was huge and was such a prestigious school. The teachers were highly educated as well as the students. We were highly honored and respected. I walked in to class today with my itinerary in my hand and sit in my seat. it was a class I actually looked forward to, English. While I was taking notes, the teacher called me up and gave me a small introduction to the class, just the basics nothing major. The whole time I noticed a strong glare on me from a boy in the back. He was beautiful and really sexy. His piercing stare was so powerful, I felt as if it was burning holes in my face as I spoke. I sat back down. He was handsome with at least 6'0 height,hazel green eyes, luscious brown hair, and lips I would die to kiss. He was dressed casually and sort of edgy. I liked it though. Our eyes awkwardly met for a second and I whipped my head away and blushed. I saw a smirk appearing his face. he relaxed in to his chair. I wonder what that sexy creatures name was. At least I knew he was intelligent.
When class ended, I felt as if he was following me. I started running a little and quickened my pace as I felt a little panicky. All of a sudden, I felt a strong hand grab my shoulder and yank me back.
"Yo-you look ver-Very familiar." he said to me out of breath.
"I'm sorry, we've never met." I said quietly and shyly.
"Did you live in California?"
"Oh, I know! You were my little sisters best friend!" He said grinning. then I remembered, he was beth's older brother by like six months. He left for New York a couple years ago and that's why I didn't recognize him. He had changed.
"How's Beth?" He questioned.
"She's fine but I'm sure she misses you!"
"Hmm, I miss her too, in fact I might visit her in the summer." That got me thinking, maybe I could go with him. I mean there's now way my mom was gonna go back so might as well.
"So you look different." I didn't remember him being brunette, I remember him having a scene dirty brownish blonde haircut. He now had a Mohawk quiff type hair and a different style from nerdy to now edgy and hipster.
"Hey new place new me." he thought the same way as me. I remember I had a slight crush on him back in California. We would talk sometimes. He had a dark past too because of something to do with a party or something but I'll get it out of him soon.
"I guess, by the way thanks for dislocating my shoulder," I said as I carefully rubbed my shoulder. We started to walk to our next class, we surprisingly had everything together. He apologized for that and rubbed it a little. I shivered and tingled from his touch. It was so alluring and leaving me wanting more. It could never be though.
We sat next to each other and the day flew by. I went to my dorm in a building called Brookside. I went in my room and changed in to comfy pajamas. I soon got a text.
Hey you look really nice in just underwear, open ur window there's a surprise for you.
Eeeeek! He saw me in my underwear ugh that creep. I'm going to so kill him. And I've got to tell Beth ugh her stupid step-brother was a fucking pervert. She probably already knows. I look out my window and see the jerks face across my window. I give him a look that could kill. His smile faded at my glare and turned in to a smirk. I ran to his dorm and almost broke his door by knocking. He opened and pulled me in to his dorm and I screamed.
"What the fuck Matthew, you pervert! How dare you look at me nude, I thought you were better than that." I screamed at him.
"I'm sorry your window was wide open and my room was coincidentally across from yours." He yelled back.
"Ughhhhh! Oh my god!" I screamed out in frustration and slammed my foot in to his bed frame. I screamed and yelped in pain and fell to the floor. He caught me in his arms. My foot started to bleed a little and Matthew picked me up bridal style.
"We have to go to the infirmary now." I looked in to his eyes and then leaned in to his chest and snuggled in. I started sobbing not only because of the pain but because he saw me naked. "hey calm down, I barely saw you okay? I bluffed." I stopped crying.
"yea." He replied. After the infirmary, I broke a toe and I could walk kind of so most of the time I was leaning on Matthew.
"Just come to my dorm I'll take care of you since I kinda caused this." he said with a light chuckle. He carried me to his bed and laid me down. He tucked me in and sat on the edge.
"I'm really sorry this happened again." he said pointing to my body.
"It's fine, I think I'll just take a nap." I said with a yawn. He got up and before he left, I grabbed his soft hand with both of mine.
"Wait, can you stay with me."
"Sure," he came and laid with me. I snuggled in to his chest and he hugged my small waist. He was being so generous. This was intimate but friendly, I know weird combo. He placed a kiss on my head.
"Good night, my sweet princess." I heard him whisper something about taking away the pain. I slowly felt the black fading in and I drifted off.
A/n- okay guysss I hope you liked it and if u did voteeee pleaseeee. kylie sick up ^^^ and I'm thinking of changing up the cast a little but not alot. anyway byeee loveee uuuuu guyss.

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