Twenty six♡︎

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[sorry for any mistakes🤧]

[sorry for any mistakes🤧]

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Long chap

Two weeks later

Two weeks passed after the two lovers got back together. Ever since then they've been all over each other clingy, touchy, sharing kisses, cuddling here and there, telling each other how much they love each other.

So yeah, everything with them has been going well since then. Also, they told their hyungs, which resulted in some sweet words of happiness towards them. likewise threaten words from taehyung's sister. All that happened a week ago, their hyungs were so glad.

Taehyung had been staying over at the jungkook's place who want it to continue like that and taehyung, his not even complaining or wanting to move an inch. However, they both have taken things slow. They want to learn more about themselves before. They kiss and do other couples things but haven't gone that far, and that is okay with them.

"you were going to what?" Jungkook ask incredulously sitting up to look at taehyung who sat up as well from their laying position, "I-well. I needed it just for the prime know to get away..." Tae replies. "Tae I-" "shh ~ am here now aren't I, have got my reason to stay and I don't regret it one-bit bunny," "I know it just. I made you feel you had to go through that lent... gosh I'm so sorry baby," Taehyung smiles at the older sad expression and moved close to him, straddling him.

Jungkook's hands found themselves on his hips. Taehyung holds both his cheeks. He stared deeply into his eyes. "I understand you okay, but like I said, I needed it. So please don't feel bad about it, hum?" Jungkook sighs and nods with a smile, holding him closer, "good" taehyung says and pecks his lips. "Just a peck," Jungkook says, smirking, taehyung giggle at that. "Shut up and let get us something to eat" "no, not with my kiss," Jungkook whines pouting out his lips and who was taehyung to reject those shining soft lips. Taehyung lend in and kiss him. Food forgotten.


Next morning

Taehyung glared at his phone. Staring angrily at his ex number. He didn't even save it, because why would he? With a deep breath, he sends a text saying 'I swear if you ever text me again I will put your stupid creepy ass in jail, and believe me I would'. He sighs and waited for a reply but receive none, which was a relief. He didn't know that it will work but it did, and he has never been happier. "Take that bitch." He cheers and block the number. Then got up from his bed... while more like jungkook's bed and walk out of the room to make something for the older male in the bathroom.

Jungkook came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped loosely on his waist and a little towel in his hair. He almost panicked when he found the bed empty, but that washed away when he heard a tune play sounding in the background. He smiled relief. Did he think Taehyung would disappear? He scoffs at himself.

After drying himself. He walks butt naked to his drawer and grabs a boxer, then moved to his closest then takes out a clean suit. In no time, he started dressing up, humming a tone. After getting dressed walked to his mirror and started styling his long hair. He thought of cutting it before, but decided not to Taehyung likes it, anyway. So he is keeping it. Then he heard a phone ding. He frowns and looks away from the mirror. His eyes search for the phone until it landed on the pillow.

"Tae's?" He walks to the bed and grabs it. Okay, he isn't trying to invade the younger's privacy, but then a text caught his eyes. 'I know you wouldn't baby boy, don't worry you will see me soon😉' Jungkook face cringe in disgust, "huh" he stared at the text thoughtfully. He wonders if taehyung maybe... hooked up with someone during their fight, and damn did that hurt. Yes, but then he thought to himself, he is in no place to feel hurt, but it still stings. He stared at the text feeing something wired with the text. It sounds disturbing. Without thinking too deep, he grabs the phone and his the left his room. Whatever it might be, Taehyung will tell him eventually.

Taehyung was busy humming happily to the song he was playing, swaying his hips while cooking. That he didn't hear the door shut or jungkook approaching him. He jumped when he felt a hand wrapped around his waist, but soon relaxed and Chuckles. It sounds deep and jungkook like it very much. "you ready to go back to work bunny" jungkook shakes his head and kisses the older exposed neck. Taehyung let out a shaky breath. Jungkook smirk.

"A- am cooking jungkook" "and am minding my business" he mumbles teasing, nipping at his neck, but then pulled away. Taehyung almost whined at the loss of contacts. He turns and smacks the older's chest. "you tease!" jungkook chuckles. "I love you too," he says, and peck on his lips. "woah pancakes looking delicious" and have a taste, he moaned out at the feeling of the taste in his mouth.

"gosh you are so good at this," "Well duh~," Taehyung says and flips his imagining long hair they both laughed at that. But then Jungkook's smile morphed into a pout and pulls the younger closer by his waist. "You sure you don't want me to stay?" Taehyung rolls his eyes. "No, you brat! Now finish eating before jimin burn down your company," "he wouldn't dare," "oh don't you dare underestimate the power of park jimin," "oh is that so... well then he burns mine I burn his boyfriend's studios! and stop calling me a brat! Am the oldest here," he whines as taehyung giggles drag him to the door. He opens it and say "I will if you stop behaving like one," then shut the door on his face. Jungkook gasped.

"you will see what I will do to you when I am back," he shouts from the closed door, taehyung snicker. "Shut up and go to work brat," he says and walk to the sit on the couch. He waited for a reply for he received none, but then he heard the bell rang he frowns and walk to the door and opens it.

He didn't even get to react before he was being kissed by no one other than jungkook. Jungkook pulled away with a smile, showing his bunny teeth looking satisfied. "I forgot my goodbye kiss," he says with a wink then walked out "bye babe" the door shut. Taehyung stood there looking like red tomatoes. "Th-that brat!"


♡︎𝑆𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑏𝑜𝑑𝑦 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 [𝑇𝑎𝑒𝑘𝑜𝑜𝑘] ♡︎ [Re-edit}Where stories live. Discover now