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A/N: Before we start I would like to say any of the explicit behavior in the book is not supported. And the Characters behaviors is 10000% not how they act in reality. In a type of way they are yanderes. I got inspiration from TaeTae_lyfe, please go show his BTS fanfic some live if you like BTS.

Also there a small warning that there will be some triggering events like descriptive murder, lots of swearing, and maybe some suicidal actions. And maybe, JUST maybe, a bit 1️⃣8️⃣➕️

As always, please trust the storyline. I may forget to put some warnings at the beginning of the chapters but I will do my best to remember.

ANDDDD!!! I really liked in my last story that I has some letters bolted and some not so I think for this one I'll do somewhat of the same.

Bold is Korean
This is English

-your dear author,

Flashback POV:






Flashback POV:

A young boy, barely even six years old, had no say in his parents decisions back then, being the youngest in a family of five. For the child, his birthday seemed joyous, turning five was a big deal to him, thinking he was apart of the big kids like his older sisters, but for the older children who knew what was happening that day, it was a nightmare...

"Felix! Wake up! Mom made some vegimite toast for you!" His sister waited for the little boy to process her words.

"OMG! I AM UP!!! OLIVIA YOU BETTER NOT TOUCH MY TOAST!!!" The boy screamed, bolting up and out of his room in seconds.

A musical laugh came from his mother, who laid a plate full of two slices of toast, bacon, and some eggs. His older sister, Olivia, only five years apart from him, sat next to him.

"Happy birthday Lix!" She cried, hugging her little brother who so desperately wanted to eat his breakfast. He whimpered loudly.

"Let go Livia!" He whined, trying the break free from his youngest older sister's grasp. "I am weally hungey." He pouted at his own words, think that his vocabulary would grow with him, but his tongue still would pronounced the 'r' sound, though his accent was shining through a lot more than a few weeks ago. "I wanna eat my vegimite!!!"

She giggled a bit and let the younger go, kissing his forehead, "Sorry Lix."

The five year old ate his food, then turned to his mother kindly, offering a hug. "Thank you Mommy." The woman embraced her son and kissed her forehead.

"Your welcome Lix. By the way, your manners have been very good lately. I'm very proud." Felix cooked his head to the side at the woman's last word but changing his attention to his father.

"MORNING DADDY!!!!!" He yelled, scurrying over to his father, who welcomed him with open arms.

"Morning Kiddo. Sorry we couldn't have a party for yah this year, but we all have gifts!" His father said before letting him go and going over to kiss his wife. The kid cheered and sat back at the table.

Four beautifully wrapped bags were presented in front of him, causing him to make a sound of awe. He let his oldest sister, Rachel, do all if the reading since she was in high school being a fetishman or something like that, as that's what Felix thought. He opened the bag from Olivia and found a temporary hair dye, blue colored, and some chapstick. He thanked his sister in a very ingenue way then opened his father's gift. It was some toy cars and a small Llama toy. He thanked his father, then opened his oldest sister's, which was fairly big to him. A mini gameboard., stuffed toys, a can of vegimite, and a chalk borad. He happily thank her oldest sister, and opened his mother's gift bag.

All of their smiles instantly decayed, but Felix's grin shot up to a huge smile. Not just one stuff animal, SEVEN!!! But for a five year old, that was more than he could count, his looked at each one and admired its beauty. The first one was a gray and white wolf, a little big bigger snout, and a small animated face, including eyes and mouth. Another one being a white rabbit, a really pretty soft tail on the animal. A pink bunny and pig hybrid, and a small bit of bangs covering a bit of the big eyes it had. One with a more advanced details to it, was a white ferret with rounded eyes and some whiskers. A chubby cheeked, brown Quokka was another stuffed animal he received, a small fluffer tail attached to it. Next, a cute puppy, with its adorable eyes and snout, and overly attracting ears that looked super cute. Lastly, a Fox, looking slyly, but the boy could easily tell that the tan fox was acting due to his adorable manner.

He gasped at the small animals and hugged the all tightly. "OH MY GOD THEY ARE SO CUTEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! EEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKK!!!!" The little boy easily ran off with all of the animals in his arms.

Slamming his bedroom door shut, he laid the all out of the floor, studying them all with great effort. His eyes landed on the Quokka and a little pride filled grin appear on his face. "Jisung, that's your name. But your nickname will be, Han Quokka!" The boy applauded himself, then turning to the pink 'Dwaekki'. "Well, you aren't a full bunny, and you aren't a full piggy. Changbin, your name is Changbin, but your friends call you Dwaekki! And you have to be named Minho, since bunnies are outside sooooo muchhhhhh but your other name is Lee Know cause you'll be really smart! But I like Leebit too so you'll have three names." The boy looked at all of the other animals and sighed, feeling as if he made a space ship. "I gotta go to sleep now cause I'm tiiiiirrrrreeeedddd! But later I'll finish naming you guys!" Felix said his goodbyes to the stuffed animals before placing them on a shelf. The tucked himself in and fell asleep almost instantly.

Unknown POV:

The four men stared at the three others who seemed very happy. A frown on the group of four, looking very upset.

"Han! My name is Han Jisung bitches! You heard him didn't you? I got the coolest name than you two. But isn't he just so adorable? I mea-" A gray haired man stepped forward, immediately silencing the blabbering man.

"Stop bragging, will you." He demanded, authority lacing through his thick words. "We'll get our names eventually. In the mean time, pay attention to the kid. Next time you know, we could have ages, or maybe even personalities." Jisung nodded along with the other six, who all went back to their blank faces, staring into the screen, mirroring the child's bedroom.

Nobody even breathed, there was no need for them too anyways, as they weren't humans. Aliens wouldn't suffice either, as they weren't from another planet, just another universe. An entire universe filled with anything as far as black emptiness, besides one room. And them.

A universe that the seven men could create anything they wanted, but had no imagination to. Practically, they were blank souls, waiting to be painted with all sorts of various colors. Only the smallest personality shone in each one, just to be read at their role. A leader, a cook, a model, a maknae, a flirt, a pain in the ass, an artist, and a cheesecake obsesser.

Directly looking at the boy, barely even blinking their godly eyelids, they had a dark look in their eyes. And that look was full of the one thing that could keep the world of his intact.


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