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2021, June 7th, 12:15 pm






Lunch was, as always, very delicious. Minho was gifted in culinary arts, as he made some kimchi, some fancy toast, jalapeños wrapped in bacon, and some other scrumptious things. But, nowadays, eating was like a sport, seeing how much of the outstanding food he can choke down. Being unamusingly exhausted, he headed up towards someone's room, not bothering to walk quietly, as he already knew they could hear him either way.

  As he passed doors on his way to Chan's room, the room belonging to Changbin radiated a strange aura, leaving his body full of an apprehensive feeling. Hesitantly, he shivered it away, knowing that Changbin was in trouble. Said male hasn't left his room since the incident, and Felix was told that he was gathering his common sense again.

  You could guess that person who told him was Chan if you want.

  Slipping the door closed, he sprinted towards the comfortable bed of the eldest, but before he could jump onto the bed, he was stopped by a strong arm, wrapping around his torso.

  "Don't even try it. My bed will not be demolished by you today." Chan challenged, walking towards the bed with the younger being held in bridal style. "Jumping is not an option kiddo. Walk next time."

  Felix whimpered in defeat, being set on the bed gently. "You're no fun..." He pouted, laying back in the soft bed. The sensation of being comfortable in bed warmed his body, as Chan laid a fuzzy blanket over him. "I feel so fluffy...~" He whispered to himself, a cuteness overwhelming his vocal cords.

  The leader smiled at him, before sitting on a chair near his bed. "Do you want to hear a story?"

  "Yes please."

  "Well, it all started in...





  In 592 A.D, when a young man, not quite  25 years old yet, joined the tagmata, or the Byzantine Empire's solders. He was clueless about what he was getting into. Only his consciousness kept him company as he spent long days training by swords fighting with a paramerion and Greek Fire. Sleep barely attacked him, as he prioritized his body shattering practice more than his health concerns. Well, one day, that training came to a decent use as the tagmata were sent to war.

  But, despite his attentive skills, the enemy was much more organized and powerful. Mid battle, he was about to get stabbed, but the man coward out of the fight and dismissed himself by sprinting towards the woods. No, he didn't stop, never once until fatigue filled his body. His eyes shut and slumber cut our any sounds from processing in his mind.

  Maybe, a day or two later, he awoke. His deep black hair a complete mess and his brown eyes drowned in laziness and exhaustion. Despite, he became alert rather quickly and noticed the woods were no where in sight. The blades of grass pat his sun-kissed skin as it waved in the small bit of wind, while his body tensed.

  "Stand, thou shant be dreary any longer. For thou must thank thy neighbor for a bloodshed of a millenia. Come forth, and let me transform thee to eternity." A unknown voice called, authority heard throughout the entire prairie.

  Blankly, he glance all around, getting off of the green scenery. The black haired male stood for a moment, waiting for further instruction as to where this voice came from, but a gush of sudden wind pushed passed him, in advance to his chest felt undying agony. Burning worse than he'll it's self, it sliced his heart in two, then glued it back together just to cut it into five, after that it froze him limbs, shoving him to the soft grass. A overbearing headache made his head full of unrighteous thoughts, things these days would be considered absurd. His sufferable screams caught in his throat, that suddenly dried out, leaving him extreme thirsty. Eventually, he passed out, as the pain was plenty more than the human could take.

  But when he awoke, he wasn't in a empty field any longer, he was in a village, lying on the road. Sweet scents filled the air, maybe some bread with sugar. He quickly hurried around the village, looking for the scent, but it grew much stronger to the point of no control. A door creaked open, his head whipped around, immediately noticing that the person was on the other side of the village. As if his mind completely acted on its own, he was over to the man in mere seconds, and his hand was on his throat. A light pressure was used and the victim fell limp. A slight red radiated on his victim's body before he realized it was from his eyes.

  The redness in his eyes seemed to have appeased his thirst, and them calmed down to what he hoped to be his normal brown.

  "What have I done..." He himself knew it wasn't a question, as he stared down at the lifeless body. In milliseconds he was in the forest, running faster than any human before.

  Long story, short, he ended up trying to kill himself before he realized he was invincible and he quickly knew how to survive. Blah. Blah. Blah. He made five other supernatural beings and took forms of stuffed toys, and met another who took the last of the seven animals. And now that being is strangely feeling something he has never felt before, happiness." Chan concluded with the usual 'The End' and leaned back on the chair.

  "I'm guessing that story was about how you became a Uiqai." Felix mumbled, laying on his back now. The older nodded, a small smile forming on his lips. "That must've been confusing."

  "Yeah, it was because back then mirrors didn't exist. And how would be know what we looked like? We didn't. I figured it out by looking in a lake." He said honestly, kindness flowing through his veins.

  "Now I'm not tired, so can you tell me more?"

  Chan hummed disapprovingly, shaking his head, "It wouldn't be wise to tell you everything about us in less than a week. And we wouldn't want to scare you off again, would we?"

  "I won't run away again! I promise! Pleaseeeee!!!" He whined childishly, pouting his lip outward, making him look ridiculously cute.

  "Fine, one more story then you have to go to sleep, it's almost twelve." He replied, letting the other boy smile brightly and sit up to listen more attentively. He sucked in a deep breath, still wasting the fresh oxygen in the air, and began another story.

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