Remus POV
I sat in a compartment with two people Sirius who was a black and a girl named Lily. Sirius and I became good friends. I sat in my seat after thinking about how was so grateful to Dumbledore for allowing me  to come to Hogwarts even though i was a werewolf. An would be a danger to some students when it was my time of the month. An Dumbledore could get fired If parents complained that there was a werewolf at Hogwarts and they were not comfortable I hope that no one finds out I thought .I also thought I. Better not tell Sirius or let him find out it could ruin my new friendship especially since he is a black.Ot started thundering I saw Sirius throwing letters at people to make them fall off their seat it made the other passengers laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2022 ⏰

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