some random poems

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I wander through the night
Seeing the shadowy faces
ghosts long past
lying in eternal slumber
waiting, watching
haunting the sleepless dreamer
Calling my name
Driving me to madness
Until nothing left remains.
I wish I could be there
I wish I could do more
I know your hurting
And I know what for
when you need to cry
when you need a hug
I'll be your teddy bear.

I will give

show me darkness and i will give you light
show me despair and i will give you hope
show me hate and i will give you love
show me Anger and i will give you calm
show me selfishness and i will give you selflessness
show me sorrow and i will give you joy
show me all your evil and i will give you all my good
show me all your pain and i will take it from you

Never Alone

I will be there for you when you cry
be it for from sadness or joy
I will be there for you when you need me
When Lifes pains become to much to bear
let me be your shield that you can hide behind
If you have pain, share it with me
For you are never alone
I will be there when you need me
no matter how bad life seems.
no matter how scared you get
no matter how lonely you are
you never will be alone"

Loves music

To give up before the music of love plays a song for us to dance to, for an eternity; would be a travesty to say the least. It would be life shattering, to give up the possibilities of a life with you.

The Calm

I am the Calm in the center of a stormy mind
tormented by abysmal thoughts of grief and sorrow
lost amid the wastelands between heaven and hell
waiting for a mind that is as lost as mine
to free my soul from loneliness

Trees of Life

Long ago, a Man set out looking for Love
Along his way, he traveled meeting new friends
But after many years of searching.
He stopped walking, and sat under a tree
An Ancient Cherry tree so full of Life.
Long ago a Woman set out looking for Love
Along her way, she traveled hearing the stories.
Of the man searching for his Love.
And of an Ancient Cherry tree so full of Life.
So She traveled until her eyes set upon the Tree.
Near the Ancient Tree was a Smaller Ancient Tree.
Under the tree sat an Old Man
Under the tree sat an Old Woman.
After a bit, they stood. Neither old.
They walked together, back toward the Hills.
Behind, them where none could see
The Ancient Cherry Tree Smiled
Behind, them where none could see
The Smaller Ancient Cherry Tree smiled.


Imagine a Life with Love,
Imagine a Life with Happiness,
Imagine a Life with Wisdom,
Imagine a Life with Compassion,
Imagine a Life with all of this,
Imagine a Life like this.
Its your Life if you want it.......
Now open Your eyes.....
Take the First step to a New Reality....

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2016 ⏰

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