When he found her. Aldryx.

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⚠️Trigger warning blood and death⚠️
Aldryx didn't know why, but something was telling him to go take a walk. He just got finished arguing with his brother over something completely stupid, and was now storming out of the house slamming the door in the process. He started heading to the park, sending a quick text to Tabi to meet him there so he could vent. On his way he felt something almost like a string pulling at his conscience so he stopped for a moment and allowed it to pull him along. On his way he started to feel a sense of urgency in finding the source causing him to start to run in its direction. He knew something was wrong before he even arrived and his feelings were confirmed at the sight of the house he found himself in front of. The windows were shot out and the door, riddled with bullet holes was ripped off it's hinges. Most people would turn away and call the police at this point but Aldryx got that strange tugging sensation again causing him to go into the house. The first thing he smelled was the horrifying stench of blood, and as he walked through the rooms he found the cause. It looked as if there was a war between the people that lived here and a random psycho walking by. The bad thing is that the poor family clearly lost. He felt even more nauseous with each room he passed through until he found his destination. At the end of the hall was a single door that lead to a small nursery that was in shambles. He started to feel a sense of sadness for the small child that must have lost their life until he heard it. The very faint sounds of a young child whimpering. Now on high alert he instantly started searching for the source of the sound looking under the bed, behind the curtains, and in the closet until finally he came upon the small, second hand toy box in the corner of the room. Opening it up he was startled to find a child who looked to be the age of three looking back up at him. Upon seeing him the child started to shake and cry until he reached down, picked her up, and started gently rocking her in his arms. As soon as he got her to calm down he whispered, "Hi there kiddo my name is Aldryx, what's your name?" The young girl shaking in his arms looked down at the floor as if she had done something wrong and said "What's that?" Taken aback Aldryx then rephrased the question "what do your mommy and daddy call you?" The child then looked up at him and said " mistake" in the most emotionless voice he'd ever heard. Feeling anger creep up on him slowly he held the child close to him in a protective manner and letting her know she was not a mistake and then asking "Do you want to go with me? I might not know much about how to raise a kid but I can treat you better than these people ever did." Looking down he saw the small, timid nod of the child's head and smiled gently as he walked out of the house and headed home. Along the way he pulled out his phone and texted Tabi, "Change of plans bro, meet me at my place in 15." Not even bothering to wait on a response.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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