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"Manik why are you getting angry?" asked Nandini looking at him all cribbing and agitated

"I am not angry, I am freaking hungry" said Manik "listen Mom , Nandini you two go shop I and Dad are in the food court"

"Yes please, I am too tired" said Raj as Nyonika gave him a fierce glare

"So you two want me and Nandini to roam around with bags? How will we shop then?" asked Nyonika

"Exactly, and Manik you had your snacks in the car" said Nandini

"Those were Snacks, Snacks is not food Nandini" said Manik as Nandini sighed looking at the foodie who was enraged now.

"Okay fine Manik, 2 min ruk jao we just have a few things to buy from Home town . That's it" said Nandini trying to convince him but he straight nodded in No.
Nyonika gave him a light slap on his chest making him wince.
"Shut up , in 2 minutes you would not die without food.Just follow us and the we are going to Mom's kitchen " said Nyonika.

"Yes . Dad please" said Nandini looking at Raj and also at Manik. Raj looked at Manik who was gesturing him a straight No,but if it was between Manik and Nandini, he was more inclined towards his dear daughter.

"Manik beta ab Nandini keh rahi hai to ruk jate hai , just a matter of 2 minutes" said Raj looking at Manik who crossed his arms giving him a stern face. Nandini gave him his bright smile and a sarcastic one to Manik who was just glaring at her.

"You guys don't love me at all" said Manik walking ahead of the rest as Nandini chuckled following him.

"Manik look at these" said Nandini showing him beautiful lights which were kept on display.

"Tch come on, you know you cannot 'not talk to me' for long, don't you?" said Nandini leaning on him as he looked at her from the corner of his eye.

"Yeah I do but I can try atleast" said Manik making Nandini leave a hearty chuckle which made Manik grumpier and Nandini finally gave up

"Fine let's go" said Nandini . Just a statement of three words and the smile was back on Manik's face. Such a kid.

The four were sitting in Mom's Kitchen and all were just praises for the food , the hospitality, and the structure.
Besides, something else that happened was today, Nyonika and Raj were true witnesses to the love between Manik and Nandini, ofcourse at home they were all caring and observant for each other but because of work , they had not really paid a lot of heed to the bond between Manik and Nandini. Today, when they saw the two understanding each other without words exchanged, the way Nandini passed Manik all that he needed on the table without him asking for it, Manik helping out Nandini with her hair as she tried to tie it in a bun with her messy hands,her eating what he likes and he eating what she likes, just these little things meant so much to them. They were happy to see their children being so loving.

The day was a pretty one, and also probably the last time for a while or a few years they were all together out chilling .

Manik's story

Manik's story

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yonika's story


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It has been a week and tomorrow is when Manik,Nandini,Raj and Nyonika would be leaving for London. Raj and Nyonika would be returning two days later.

Nandini was sitting on the bed reading a story book and Manik was still not back home. They had a flight early morning and Manik had to go to settle certain last moment things in the office so that nothing lacks in his absence and Raj would not have to worry much.

It had been 11:00 , night. It was too late and Manik should have been back now. Nandini called him and he picked it up in 5-6 rings. This itself meant he was still in the office.

"Manik, how long will it take?" asked Nandini.
After 9 in the morning, more than 12 hours,she heard his tired husky voice.
"Nandini,hi.I don't know. I need to look after a few documents. You sleep,I will come" said Manik

"You know I cannot sleep until you are here, is anyone even there in the office anymore?" asked Nandini. It was apparently too late for anyone to stay back.

"Me , Aman and Kiara" said Manik passing a file to Aman who started reading it.

"Kiara too? Manik it's late. You drop her while you come back,do not let her go alone" said Nandini . Manik smiled hearing her.

"She lives close to Aman's house, don't worry he will drop her" said Manik as Nandini nodded on her end.

"Okay,come soon" said Nandini

"Yes almost done, you please sleep if you feel sleepy, do not wait deliberately" said Manik. He did not wish to keep her waiting due to him.

Manik returned home around 12:30 to find Nandini lying on the bed with closed eyes. He knew she was not sleeping and proving him right, she snapped open her eyes hearing his footsteps. With an apologetic face, he gave her a slight smile. Both of them were too tired. Manik was in the office and Nandini was busy packing and stuff at home, also she returned from the hospital with her transfer letter. Her hospital was to keep running in India while she will practice in London.

After freshening up,Manik joined her on the bed as the two cuddled, sleeping their last night in India for a few years before they leave for London. They were not sure of where they will end up but all they knew was they wanted to do this.

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