Yn: your name
Ln: last name
Mn: middle name
Mmm: mother's name
Fn: father's name
NN: nicknameQuirk: myth
You can make a mythical creature every time you create a bond or become friends with people and the stronger the bond, the closer you are or the strength that the particular person has allows you to make more creatures. You can use these creatures to help you with everyday work and depending on how strong they are you can use them in battle and can summon them when ever you wantDraw backs:
If one of your creatures gets hurt during battle you get affected as well. Depending on how badly they got hurt plays off on how bad you are affected if the creature is badly wounded and near death you will pass out immediately and won't wake up until the animal is healed. Also the creatures can't die. It's impossible they stay alive for ever unless they have no bond with a person
Fanficwhen Yn's parents were killed she turned emotionless and had no where to go so she was taken in by no other than the number one hero and symbol of peace himself. What happens and does she ever get to live a normal life again or with she be emotionle...