First Time

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Hey peeps, I hope y'all enjoy

Peter Parker point of view

I was nervous, MJ an I never have done the deed, and it kind of scares me because I heard it hurts. MJ softly trails her hands on my chest making me blush avoiding looking at her, fuck she's in the mood, feeling her trail her fingers on my nipple.

I bit my lips, looking down at her as she laughs a bit, I lean down kissing her as MJ leans closer into the kiss feeling her tongue slip in my mouth.

Soon she was on top of me as I held her hips tightly feeling her bite my neck, "MJ~ it's my first ahhhhhhhhh time", I whimper as she smile, "I know little loser", she said warmly.

Mj point of view

As we took are clothes off, I forcedly push him on his back, opening his legs seeing him drip, I took up at him seeing him with a huge blush face, I gently kiss him on the clit seeing him gasp.

God Peter, you're so fucking hot, I thought to myself as I start licking and sucking onto the flap, slowly lapping my tongue in him hearing him moan loudly, his beautiful fucking thighs close up around my head squeezing shut as he pulled my hair.

"MJ~ AHHH~ NGH~", pushing a finger gently in him in easy making me happy knowing it won't be in pain, arching his back I can hear Peter sob loudly, damn I was dripping just for this man.

I thrust my finger deeper in him as I suck on his clit, "AHHHHHHHHH~" He moaned loudly as he came, I stop as he unclenched his grip on my hair and his thighs on my face, looking up I saw him gasping.

"I was it Peter", i said seeing him look mushy, "nhh", he whimpers as I grab my bag under my bed, Pulling out a five inch vibrator, "Wait MJ, can I you know um". He said shyly.

I smirk knowing what he meant, " yeah, you can fuck me but let me slip this in and I'll help you put the strap on.

Peter Parker point of view

My face goes red, I can't believe this, I had a strap on and a vibrator, as she looks at me before sliding on the strap seeing her throw her head back and moan.

Biting my lips and holding her hips, she looks at me an smile, "Ready", I nob and she turns the vibrator on, I as accidentally pulling her down on the strap more, "PETER~", I whimper seeing her race her hips to meet with the strap, gasping and the vibrator buzz in me.

I couldn't take it anymore, I flipped her over as her legs wrapped around me and clawed my back, I thrusted deeper in her seeing her whimper and moan.

"AHHHH~" I was heard from both of us as I felt the vibrator buzz harder in me making me clench it as I thrusted faster and hard, "MJ~", I moan against her neck as she says my name, I saw her dark nipple an took on in the mouth sucking and swirling my tongue on the cute little nip hearing her groan in pleasure, sweat ruled of our body but I didn't care I loved her with all my heart.

"FUCK~ PET-AHHH I LO-AHHHH VE YOU", MJ saids as I moan louder, "I-I AHHHH~ LOVE YOU TOOOOO~", I looked at her seeing her about to cum, so I slow down a bit and start rubbing her clit as she moans louder, I felt s pressure bulit on my lower stomach and gasp thrusting deeper in her as I came, but I didn't stop until I saw her cum.

Soon after I pull out of her I fall beside her shaking, she's so beautiful through the whole sweaty mess and I love her so much.

We cleaned up and cuddle lightly, "love you MJ", i say laying on her chest, "love you too Peter".

Hoped you enjoyed peeps, vote and let me know it was good

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2022 ⏰

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