Gen 3

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The third Generation was the first one that forced a deity to create a new planet. Well, not technically new, they all resemble Earth strongly. Though usually not anymore by the end. Seeing all of this responsibility, Aria felt unable to take such a challenge on in her state, so she created another lifeform and named it „Galaxian". The absolute God of Gen 3. He's the „absolute" God because from Gen 3 onwards, there's more Gods aside from just the absolute ones. Same goes for the Anti-Gods, also putting an „absolute" before the title of their overlord this Gen. Hell settled for just sticking to only having a Satan, though they did choose heads for each of the five Sins. Those were also new additions: The six Purities from Heaven, the seven Neutralities from the Anti-Dimension and the five Sins from Hell, each of them having a „representative" and a gatekeeper. They're also considered „requirements" to get into each of them after death. Well, some don't get into any of them. After creating Galaxian, Aria helped him create a new planet. Amongst the divine, it's plainly called „Earth 2.0". Then, they realized that before putting new sentient beings onto the planet, they could improve on the concept for humans. The improved humans also have a plain name; second version humans. Some things that they kept were a bit...interesting, but other changes and additions make a little more sense. Though most changes were minor. Except for maybe officially adding a third biological Gender; Non-binary. While Galaxian focused on creating new people, Aria searched the old earth for survivors of the nuclear war, and despite the odds, she managed to find a couple of them. Then she made the...interesting decision to turn them into Gods. After earth was fully populated, Aria „retired" from her duties and now lives somewhere on earth, even though Galaxian tried to convince her otherwise. Going into this, this Generation is less simple and more chaotic than some of the others. Mostly because there were quite a few additions to this Gen unlike in the other ones, but also because there are also other intelligent spieces aside from just humans, some more or less important than others. It is also important to note that some deities like Comet, Lucifer, Aria and Gio already belonged to those races, the only difference now was that these races were not just exclusive to deities anymore. Though the Humans' presence still held the most weight. Especially races like Phantoms, Nymphs, Centaurs and Dragons were either scared of them or just stayed away from them. Probably because Humans have a reputation for being violently destructive. After a while of being busy creating and setting up an entire planet, Galaxian started feeling lonely. Despite the fact that Heaven is and was littered with Angels and Gods, he just didn't feel any connection to them. It's probably guessable where this is going. The only person who was regularly around Galaxian was Amaris, a scientist from Gen 2. After a while, he started feeling attached to her and her shy nature. After she reciprocated his feelings, they became a couple, which leads to a clearer explanation of something. „Creating" has been mentioned all throughout these texts. Creating is seen as another equivalent to giving an extent. It's usually what divine beings do, though not all of them use this method to bring the younger equivalent of themselves into the world (in other words, their child), some individuals who posess this power use it to create someone who's not related to them, mostly those who don't care about family too much. In other words, when creating a person, the creator decides who their „parent" is, thus, some rare cases don't have any. Some also send their creations to the Void when they don't know what to do with their own creation. So, creating can replace giving birth, which is exactly what Galaxian and Amaris did. They created a design together which would only be put to use later. Meanwhile, Hell was having its own issues due to there being five demonic races in total. The Devils, the Demons, the Imps, the Onis and the Succubus. These races, especially the Demons and the Imps often don't get along and are very territorial in nature even though the Devils are too submissive to care and the Succubus just mix in with the other races. The Onis had already given up on trying to deal with the others and had claimed space as their playground instead because they can. The Demons had a certain amount of prestige which they wanted to uphold. Normally, they're the strongest and most organized demonic race as they also have the Devils do their chores and errands for them, but this time an Imp by the name of „Luciana" or just Lucia got chosen to be Gen 3's Satan. The outer forces make these choices, apparently. Those are a tad more complicated to explain and out of the reach of a simple doll like the writer. Or in other words; stuff to explain later. After this descision made it to the Underworld, the tension between the Demons and the Imps got worse. Something that also didn't amuse either race was that Lucia was in a relationship with a Demon. If this relationship had its start before or after that choice is unknown. Also how genuine it really was. Now, while we let this tension sit and boil for a while, let's cut to the creation of the first somewhat properly functional sentient robot. This robot was created by Keira, head of an organization that is not to be named at the moment. The robot goes by the name „Katsumi", the only problem is that it escaped the organization's clutches and started roaming around in space. Eventually, it appears that the robot found a way to put its almost deity-like powers to use and created another planet somewhere between the stars. This planet doesn't have a name and appears to be a testing canvas to some degree. This planet started a sub-gen called „Gen 0.5", even though Gen 3.5 would've been much more fitting. Katsumi was the Goddess of this Generation, a girl by the name „Betty" was the Anti-Goddess and the Demon „Lucy" claimed her place as the Satan before her sister could. Those people are all from that planet that it seemed like Katsumi created without any problems at all. Needless to say, this robot is an immense power source and could turn out to be dangerous if she fell into the wrong hands...Though, for now, she seems busy with creating a perfect Generation. To do this, she had to leave her test-gen behind, which ended in its destruction because both Lucy and Betty are...well, violently destructive. A few psychos survived, Betty ended up visiting Earth after she was done dealing with that other planet, which is now in the hands of Lucy and her sister, Atsuko, who have been caught up in a 500-year argument about who is stronger. Convenient...very convenient. Anyway, back to Earth. Apparently, Nero finally got bored of hiding away from everyone because he was sighted. Why is this important? Let's just say Nero's being used to emphasize how clueless these people are. The people from Gen 3 don't know that there was another Earth floating about in the Universe and that there had been two, well technically three Generations before them that had all failed miserably. Maybe knowing that would've encouraged them to do better than the last Gens, but the people who did know were bribed to keep their mouths shut by those who make the calls on decisions such as „oooh, who's gonna be the next person who becomes Satan and smites everyone with an age of divine sadism?". Moving on. After Lucia was chosen as exactly that, the next Satan, she visited Heaven. Emphasis on visited, not invaded. The friendly kind of checking someone else's place out. She had a few friendly chats with Amaris, who was slightly afraid of her, and Galaxian. The two of them had passed some time coming up with another design which was also not in use yet. Eventually, Lucia had the opportunity to suggest they create a new race together. Well, if one can really call it a race. The so called „Apollyma Beasts". They're basically shapeshifters that usually have a Human and an animal form they can transform into. These beasts were created to protect each their own things. An example for this is Mirai, a nine-tailed fox, four meters tall on her four paws and a little more than two meters tall in her Human form that is tasked with keeping an eye on mountain areas so Humans don't invade them for resources or soil their grounds with their civilization stuff. She's known to be a bit grumpy and takes her responsibility very seriously, putting it above all else. So, they're basically Gods that don't create things and are less loose with their responsibilities. While the two current Deities were busy with creating Apollyma Beasts, another planet popped up. Nobody is quite sure how it got there or who put it there, thinking it was a good idea. This planet was quickly taken over by another cooperation that kidnaps people from Earth and takes them hostage. Most people who claim to have lost someone to this cooperation never saw that person ever again. Many theorize Karma is behind this scheme as he reappeared around the time this cooperation started terrorizing Earth. People know he's somewhere in the vicinity of Earth, but he stays out of crowds, naturally, and nobody really knew what to do about his presence because all they saw was a (literally) black Alien with red outlines. They had no idea who he was but assumed he was somewhat Human when he appeared since he spoke English like a normal person. Only very few people had enough courage to approach him, those that did said he sounded fed up, which was probably why he dissappeared shortly after a few people started bothering him and a crowd was looking on in curiousity. But, after this started becoming more public knowledge, some people came to the conclusion that he was a Void (there is the Void as in a place and Voids are also a race for clarification, it's not the same thing) since he looked so strange and that's the main feature of a Void. Because they result from illegal experimentations, some people demanded he should be killed the next time someone spotted him, but Karma isn't the most crowd-friendly so it seems like the Humans won't get to shoot that grumpy, 6000-year old deity for now. But that doesn't stop people from assuming he's definetly planning something since the red outlines make him look like the evil alien from some Anime. Sticking to the themes of reappearing deities, Nero started terrorizing his other half, who had just stuck to living a normal life since he didn't know anything else; meaning he had forgotten his identity again. Because the spirit part split from the soul part, it turned, as the name suggests, into a spirit and was unable to interact with quite a lot of things unless he posessed a living being. From this he deduced that he would have to convince his other half, who was, at that time, still clueless, to help him out. The worst part about this for his other half was that he was currently on a holiday and had no nerves left to deal with any occult beings talking about stuff that happened over 1000 years ago. His spirit somehow managed to drag his will to live through the mud. The person accompanying him only noticed that something was wrong when they were on their flight back. But that wasn't the only thing that was wrong; the pilot of the plane was extremely drunk which led to the plane falling into the ocean because the pilot eventually just fell asleep. Safety regulations check...Non existent. Nero's soul part died, or, more specifically, drowned in the incident, but only because he pulled himself just out of reach of the person trying to save him as if there was something behind him encouraging him to do so. And that thing was also the cause for the name of this incident: Blacklight incident. Creative naming, what about it? Well, when something, more specifically, a creature so nobody gets any wild ideas, that's completely black (literally) suddenly shoots out of the water and starts massacering everything in its reach that was also glowing in a black light, which isn't scientifically possible as there is no such thing as black light, people were obviously concerned about it. Records state that out of the sixty or more passengers on that plane, Nero's soul half is the only one who drowned, the rest got brutally ripped to shreds by that black beast. Two or three people survived. Why did Nero try (and suceed) to kill his other half? Hard to say, so far. A little bird overheard that all may reveal itself in due time. Either way, cutting back to heaven, Galaxian and Amaris had finally decided to put their designs to use. They turned the first one into a boy named „Aeon" and a while later, the second one into a girl by the name „Elyssa". Now, on to talk about less pleasant things again. The inevitable future and Fate. Basically, things regarding the future as Gen 4 is the present and too short to summarize as it has only started a few years ago and represents the „present". Fate is the title of a person operating in the background. They receive prophecies and then tell those to the Gods, which document these prophecies and keep them in a large building used to store them located in Heaven. All of these prophecies represent possible futures, some of them more or less likely. Though all that fate dictates at the moment is that „a war between two or four sides is inevitable". That is the shortest summary of the inevitable future. There are basically two versions of this prophecy that both dictate war, one between four sides, the other one between two. The details about the version with four sides are unknown, but the one between two sides is between the people who hold attachment to their planet and the Ultimas, people involved with Karma. A small group with a lot of very intimidating members that potentially outpower the rest of the world, including Karma himself of course. What makes this prophecy even more scary to the people is that Tristan, an Ultima that claims to have come here from another timeline, actually said that exactly this would happen before fate could say „I bring the prophecies, not you.". Around the time this prophecy surfaced and while the Ultimas have just been mentioned, Xenos, another Ultima, invaded Heaven and kidnapped both Aeon and Amaris. Presumably because he was ordered to do so, though some other details suggest he could've done this of his own voalition. What happened with the two kidnapped people there is unknown to anyone but those involved. The longer Amaris was gone, the more glaring the lack of an Absolute Anti-God became to Galaxian. Again, Deities and thinking. It only seems to happen when they've got absolutely nothing else to do. Yes, there was no Anti-God for the majority of Gen 3. Another little bird said that the reason for this was the outer forces having a debate about it that went on for ages...literally, more than 1500 years. Eventually, the people arguing against it gave in because things were taking too long and they sensed the end of the Generation approaching. The person chosen for this role was highly controversial to the outside forces, being that they had been keeping a close eye on them, observing their every move with perfect caution. Thus, they will not be named for now. Or they might come crushing in on us. Along with the Anti-Dimension being in a chaotic state, the political scene was too, leading them to found the WL, in other words World League, featuring the President and their Assistant from each country. They usually hold monthly meetings to discuss major problems, though this is not of importance at the moment as most things concerning world-ending problems are still up to the deities. Speaking of which...A generation ending problem is knocking on the door. The death of a deity, which is a first. Some count Comet and Lucifer as dead but nobody can actually confirm this properly. Yes, Lucia was killed...By her boyfriend. Hell keeps that info from the outside world and just says Lucia died, but both Heaven and the Anti-Dimension had to be informed of this. What exactly happened here is, again, something only those involved know, but maybe this will reveal itself in due time too. The death of Lucia put a strain on everything, made things appear that shouldn't be there and also caused the end for this Generation. Yes, no total annihalation of intelligent spieces this time, we'll keep our knowledge for Gen 4...Which is the present, as mentioned before.

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