Chapter 1

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Late Night Trip

In all those months on Isla Nublar Darius always dreamt of what it would be like to get home safe again. The warm reunion with his family and being wrapped up in his comfy blanket on his bed again, sleeping peacefully without constantly on the verge of being awake, ready to run away from giant carnivores that made their life purpose about terrorizing the campers.

Turns out the thought of that was more pleasant than it actually turned out to be. Don't get him wrong, he is happy to be home again, but all those nights on Isla Nublar made him forget how to live normally. And not to mention the deep feeling of loss from his new found family. It's strange to exist without the constant side comments from Kenji or the giggling coming from Sammy because of Yaz's sarcastic jokes. He even misses the annoying habit of Brooklynn to „unbox" everyone and everything. But there is one thing he feels the strongest loss for.

The one boy who's bright blue eyes seemed to pierce right into the core of his soul, who's hand made him shiver at the slightest touch against his skin, who's messy hair seemed to shine golden when sunlight touched him.


He didn't really have time to think about his feelings during their time on the island. Every time his heart fluttered when Ben's eyes locked with his he just ignore it. He didn't allow himself to truly spend a thought on his feelings. He had a whole group to keep alive and he didn't even consider the possibility of Ben feeling the same way, he couldn't. There were way too many more important things to worry about.

But now since he is back home in safety he has got time. Too much time. Too much awful time.

He remembers every single moment with Ben. As if those moments were saved somewhere deep inside him, waiting for the right time to crawl back up and make him question his whole life. Just like his feelings for him. It's too much at the same time.

The sun already disappeared behind the horizon, leaving only darkness behind which was broken by the soft glow of the street lights outside his window. Darius stood up from his bed and walked towards his window. He opened it and took in the fresh air that streamed into his room. The night seemed so peaceful now that it wasn't filled with danger behind every corner. But he missed the silence of the nights on Isla Nublar. When you live in a city it's never truly quiet. Especially in a city near New York.

That made his thoughts drift to Ben again. He remembered a night on Isla Nublar. It was before all the drama happened. The campers were sitting on their beds, to exited for the next day to actually sleep. They decided it was a nice opportunity to learn more about each other. It was of course Sammy's idea but no one protested. They were talking about all kinds of things, from favorite song to worst fear. At some point Kenji asked them where everyone comes from. Ben was the first to answer. „New York" he stated. Darius commented on it saying that that's not that far away from him, since he lives in Philadelphia.

Darius couldn't help but think about what would happen if he just took the next bus to New York and visit Ben. It wouldn't take him that long. And he knows his exact address because Brooklynn made everyone send their addresses into the group chat she made the second after arriving back home. He thinks about it for a moment. It would surely help with that constant feeling of loss. But what if Ben doesn't want to see him? How will he react to seeing him again after the 3 weeks that passed since they separated?

His dad would probably smack his head now and tell him that he is overthinking everything again. He sighed and threw himself head first on his bed. His hands searched for his phone and the moment they grabbed it he rolled himself over onto his back. He opened Google and typed in „Next bus to New York". The next bus will arrive at the nearest stop in 20 minutes and It'll take him a bit more than an hour to where Ben lives.

He thinks about what his mother will do if she finds him randomly missing at 8 pm. He was never a boy who liked to break his mothers rules. But he knows that she trusts him with whatever he's doing. Especially after he got himself and 5 other teenagers home safely from a death island. Plus he's almost 14 now so it shouldn't be that of a problem...right?

After fighting a quick but brutal mental battle with himself he decided to leave a note for his mum and brother, incase they'll find him missing before he got back home again. He stood up from his bed and starting packing a few things he'll probably need like money and some proviant incase he gets hungry or thirsty. To his luck he had everything he needed in his room so he didn't raise any suspicion. His mother was probably sleeping by now. She's an early sleeper and work had been pretty brutal on her today. Brandon was still awake tho. He could tell by the clicking sound from his keyboard in the next room. But he rarely comes in to say goodnight when he's playing video games. So he should be safe.

He puts his jacket and shoes on. It's not necessarily cold outside but not warm enough to go out without at least a thin jacket. As soon as he swings a leg outside his window he feels a shiver of excitement run through him. He swings the other leg through the window and jumps down. It wasn't that high so the landing didn't hurt much. As he headed towards the Bus station a grin formed on his lips at the thought of seeing Ben again. If he was in a different situation he would be embarrassed by his thoughts but he didn't really care in this moment

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2022 ⏰

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