Chapter 11

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"People have been complaining?" Luc asked, revolted.

"Ross said it was only a few people." Effie tried to assure him but was cut off by a scoff from her brother,

"Ross said did he? Oh your darling Ross."

"Ed?" Effie questioned, looking up from the letter on the table, "What has got into you?"

"I do not know sister." He sneered, "Maybe that you no longer love me like a brother."

"That is ridiculous Edmund." Luc snapped, glaring at him, "You know you are lying. Effie loves you, it is you that cannot see beyond your own disgusting self- pity."

"How dare you!" Ed yelled, jumping to his feet and sending the chair he'd been sat on flying backwards, "How dare you say such things to me!" He turned and ran from the room, shoving Jenna backwards as she tried to open the door.

"He gets worse by the day m'lady." Jenna said as Luc helped her up off the floor, "He ought to be treated for his short temper."

"In time, he shall learn." Effie said gently, though with less confidence than she would like.

"Effie?" Luc interrupted, suddenly very nervous and twitchy, "I need to speak with you. Walk with me."

"What are you doing?" Effie gasped as Luc grabbed her wrist and pulled her from the room, nodding curtly to Jenna.

"We need to talk." Was all he said as he pulled her through the corridors and out into the entrance hall.

"Let go Luc." She gasped as his nails pressed into her skin.

"I'm sorry." He muttered guiltily as he saw the bruises on her wrist flame up, "But please follow me."

"Where are we going?" She asked him, massaging her sore wrist and quickening her pace to keep up with his long strides.

"You shall see." He replied mysteriously, flinging open the front doors and marching down the steps. Effie followed him across the courtyard, nervous but curious about where he was leading her. Luc walked past the gardens and down to the stables, Effie behind him.

"Can you ride?" He asked her, grabbing a saddle and tack.

"Of course." She replied, taking her own down from the shelf.

"Get a horse and meet me here in two minutes." Luc said bluntly, turning around and walking away down the stable line. Effie followed him, searching for her horse, Kyna. She saw her straight away, the dapple grey head sticking over her door.

"Hello Ky." She whispered, gently stroking her long, slender face, "Do you want to go for a ride?" The horse neighed gently, rubbing her muzzle against Effie's chin, "Lets go then." She pulled the door open and led Kyna out, one hand on her neck. Outside the stable, she saw Luc, already fastening the saddle on a chestnut mare she recognised as Sasha.

"Come on Effie." He said when he saw her, "Hurry up." Effie nodded when she heard him, swinging the saddle over Kyna's back. The horse shuddered slightly at the touch, but soon relaxed and stood still as Effie fastened it around her.

"Wait." Effie warned as Luc swung himself into his saddle, holding the reins in one hand. Sasha stepped forwards slightly, but he held her back, looking impatiently at Effie. Kyna too became tired of waiting and started neighing slightly, "It's fine Ky." She soothed her, fixing the bridle around her head. Effie, after checking everything was safe, slipped one foot into the stirrup and swung herself up.

"You do not sit side saddle?" Luc asked her, easing his horse into a walk.

"It is more comfortable this way." Effie replied, clicking gently to get Kyna trotting.

"You are a stubborn child." Luc teased her, rising slightly from the saddle as he rode alongside her, "The spitting image of your mother."

"Where are we headed Luc?" Effie asked as they left the courtyard, heading out onto the road.

"That is for me to know." He grinned back, turning Sasha down a small muddy track, "I daresay you will have been here."

"How can you be so sure?" Effie quizzed him, following him down the path, the overhanging branches reaching for her hair. The pale green leaves joined overhead, creating a tunnel like effect above their heads.

"Your mother told me." Luc grinned back, pressing his heels into the horse's sides as the end of the path drew nearer. It opened up into a bright field, the grass blades dancing in a slight breeze. Effie gasped in wonder, each sight taking her eyes in a new direction.

"Follow me." Luc smiled at her, laughing slightly at her wonder. He rose fully from the saddle and pressed Sasha into a gallop, his body moving in rhythm. Effie copied in him, her hair whipping around her face as they rode together across the field. A small way away a shape began to outline itself from the fields. As the two riders drew closer to it, Effie realised what it was. Luc was leading her to a large oak tree in the centre of the field, the leaves twirling in time with each other, creating a shimmering ripple each time the wind blew.

"It's beautiful." Effie smiled at Luc, slowing to a canter as they came closer to it. He did the same, running a hand through his already messy hair in relief, "Why did you bring me here?"

When they were right under the tree, each already slowed to a walk, Luc dismounted. He stroked Sasha gently, taking two small apples out his pocket and feeding her one. Sasha neighed softly, butting her head against his hand to try and get to the other.

"No girl." He laughed softly, running two fingers down the length of her face, "Not for you." He smiled gently, giving Effie a hand as she dismounted as well.

"What did you want to talk about?" She asked him, giving Kyna a quick pat before sitting at the base of the the park's trunk.

"Your mother." Luc said, handing the other apple to Kyna before sitting next to her.

"Why?" Effie asked him, tears threatening to form in her eyes, "Why now?"

"I was talking to Jenna earlier." He said, "She said that someone had told her something about Miriam's death. I tried to press her for who it was, but she wouldn't say."

"What did she say?" Effie asked him, seeing that he too had small tears slipping from his eye and letting hers fall.

"She said that she had been told of a deed, by the sinner themself. They told her that..." He stopped, his voice cracking slightly.

"Luc?" Effie prompted her step-father (she knew he wasn't legally, but it seemed better to say that), "Please tell me."

The tears fell down Luc's face faster as he spoke, "She said that Mim was murdered."

<><>A.N- I feel so guilty for taking this long to update. I'm sorry!! This book pretty much needs to be finished by mid- May cos it's part of a project that I need to hand in. This may mean that my fanfic, Teddy Lupin- Twist in Time, may need to be put on hold while I concentrate on this.<><>

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