Subunits Headcanons Part 1

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Robaire & Jesse (the parents)

• The leader and the oldest taking care of the 3 kids (band members) 🥰🫶

• I feel like they were ex-lovers (from @/shumkaki on twitter) or something but I don't want to think about that 😢

• Robaire probably takes care of Jesse after he (Jesse) takes care of the others (from @/ruris0da on twitter)

• They either sleep early (like 8 pm) or stay up really late together (like 3 am) watching a movie or drinking beer LOL

• The most mature duo out of the subunits (obviously 💀)
    - Okay but what if they were a little immature together, what a funny thought righ

• I feel like they want to spend more time alone together, but there's always some kind of weird tension between them or something always interrupt their time together 💔

• They probably like snuggling and holding hands, y'know being close to each other without exchanging words or glances


• Imagine Jesse's 2 kids playing with Robaire and Jesse is looking at them like "🥹"

• Overall 10/10, would love to see more of them together


Jesse & Tae Young (the dad and baby)

• I KNOW for a fact that Jesse is like the overprotective big brother/dad of Tae Young, who is the 'Maknae' of the group

• AND that Jesse spoils Tae Young because he can't resist his cuteness 😽❤️

• I feel like Tae Young would call Jesse 'hyung' the most since he probably relies on him a lot as the oldest member (besides Robaire bc he's probably busy with the other 2 band members 😠💢)

• Jesse would definitely give Tae Young lots of kisses on his face and "boo-boos" Tae Young got from hurting himself during practices
    - *Tae Young trips during dance practice*
    - Jesse: "Oh no, Tae Young! Here, let me kiss your boo-boo away 😚"
    - Aaron T: "Oh-oh! Can you kiss my boo-boo too? I tripped twice earlier an-"
- Jesse: "No 😶"
- Aaron T: "☹️"

• Honestly I feel like Jesse jokingly treats Tae Young as a baby because he (Jesse) only sees Tae Young as a younger brother
    - *Tae Young wakes up* Jesse: "Aw, good morning baby! How did you sleep? 🥰" Tae Young: "Well, hyung 🙂."
    - *Tae Young eating* Jesse: "Wow, baby is eating well today! Are you full? ☺️" Tae Young: "Yes, hyung 🙂."
    - *Tae Young after taking a shower* Jesse: "Aww, baby's all cleaned up! How do you feel baby? 😚" Tae Young: "Clean, hyung 🙂."
    - [8:01 pm] Jesse: "Okay Tae Young, it's past your bed time, time to go to sleep!" *tucks Tae Young to bed and kisses his forehead* Jesse: "Good night, baby! 😘" Tae Young: "Good night, hyung 🙂."

• Okay but Jesse would still comfort Tae Young whenever he's down/upset, that's when he uses his big brother mode ❤️
    - And that's the only time Tae Young wants to be babied by Jesse but don't tell Jesse that /j

• What if Jesse allows Tae Young to paint his kids' nails and still looks at them like "🥹💅"

• I'd say another 10/10 because I love the oldest and youngest tropes

• Weird headcanon: what if Jesse acts like the 'fake maknae' just like most of the kpop idols that are the oldest in their groups ☠️☠️☠️


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