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Chicago, Illinois
Night two

~Louis pov~

We have one more show in Chicago and me and the boys decided to walk around the streets. "What time do we have to be back by?" Niall asked "12" Liam answered, I checked my watch it was 9a- "I am so sorry love I wasn't looking whe-" I started but when I looked at who I ran into... She looks familiar "Grace?" I said in a surprised voice (a/n: told ya she would be back if your confused go back and read chapter 3) "Louis?" she replied "I haven't seen you in forever" I said "Yeah, I got a new phone but I have no way of giving you my new number" she replied "yeah, some of our friends went on tour and the rest of us had to move to Texas, for Katie, You should walk with us we were going to walk around then go back to the hotel" I said "I would love to" she replied walking beside me.


~Katies pov~

"You don't need to be nervous I'm sure it's negative," I say trying to relax Caitlin as we wait for the results "I mean it's not that I don't want kids, I just can't right now, not with boys on tour and their whole career ahead of them," she said and the doctor walked in "so debating on what you were hoping for, I have good or bad news." she said, "you are not pregnant, however, if you do not wish to have children soon I suggest you be a lot more careful because you came close." After the doctor said that, I laughed a little thinking of a dirty joke. "Don't you dare" Caitlin said looking over at me.

Niall called me after we got lunch "Hey Ni" I said answering the phone "hey, we're back at the hotel. Where did you two run off to" he asked "We were just getting lunch, on the way back now" "ok, Ashton said he's gonna go get a nap before soundcheck, but the rest of us are just hanging around in Liam's room" "ok well, we will just come in there with you guys and then I will wake up Ashton later" I said "ok, sounds good, see you when you get here" He said and hung up the phone. "You know he's still in love with you right?" Caitlin Asked me "I know, and we talked about it, I love him he loves me but ill always love Ashton more..." I replied, after a few minutes of conversation I turned the volume up on the car and we listened to music the rest of the way back.

~Harrys pov~

When Caitlin and Katie got back to the hotel we went down to a bar to play pool, "Ok Harry and Katie next" Louis said "NO" Caitlin yells "why not" Louis asked, "Cause last summer when we went on the cruise, Harry and Katie went downstairs to play pool and Harry go so competitive that they were down there all night and until lunchtime the next day until Harry won a game." Caitlin said "oh...." he said second-guessing his suggestion "no, wait we have somewhere to go, ill play with Harry" Katie said grabbing a pole.

After about an hour of playing, we went back to the hotel to get Ashton, While Katie went in and woke him up we waited in the kiddy for them to come down.

~Katies pov~

"Caitlin will you sit still before I burn you," I say as Caitlin fights me about doing her hair, Harry and Ashton are sitting on the couch laughing at us "How man times do I have to tell you I don't want my hair done" "Babe you gotta get it done, we have an interview before the show," Harry said from the couch "Yeah why do we have to be in it again?" I ask "They have some questions about me, you, and Niall and then they just want to meet you two" Ashton replies "See Caitlin, we have things to do, so either I do it and not hurt you or he stylist do it and hurt you," I said which made her sit while I finish up.

After I was done with her hair, me and Ashton headed to his dressing room to get him ready, while he was changing I started to laugh because of the purple marks on his shoulder from me. (a/n: DATS MY CUE TO LOG THE HELLLLL OUT DIS BITCHHHHHH ~ my friend helping me write this) "what are you laughing at, I mean I know im hot but damn," Ashton says looking at me "Turn around and look at your back in the mirror," I say continuing to laugh "what the hell, when did you do that?" he asks "to be honest I can't remember," say truthfully putting my hands up in defense " I was pretty drunk last night," I say as he starts to walk over to me "do you need me to button up your shirt," I say as he stands over me "yes please," he says and I stand up and start to button it up "you know, usually when you do this your unbuttoning it.." he says laughing "shut up" "but why we have exactly 10 minutes before the interview," he says checking is imaginary watch "ASHTON IRWIN." I say yelling at him. (a/n: DIS IS PORN~ friend helping me write) When I buttoned the last one my phone started to ring ' incoming call from DANIIIIIIII' I hit the answer button and walk over to the corner "are you here yet?" I ask her " Sooo I ran outta gas and stole a car," she says "TELL ME YOU LYING GO GIVE IT BACK I'LL SEND SOMEONE AFTER YOU AND DRIVE YOU HERE" I yell as quietly as I could. " Send Harry's fine ass milf momma she can tolerate me for a while unlike some people'' "I'm gonna ignore the fact you called Anne a milf and just send her to get you, we will be in an interview when you get here so just go find paul and he will tell you where to go" I explain "Fine Megamind. I am waiting at a gas station" she says and I hang up. "Who was that," Ashton asks "oh just Lauren she said she has a crush at school that sits with her at lunch," I say, technically I am not lying to him, she texted me about it this morning. "Oh I taught her well, meet them at school, and they're a keeper," he says winking at me "you're a dork I'm leaving now and I'll see you later," I say backing out the door running into Niall "oh shit Niall" (a/n: WELL IF IT ISN'T MR THICK BOOTY NIAlLLLL~friend) welp it's a good thing the door was closed "your good, I was going to see what yall were doing cause we have to leave for the interview soon," he says as we walk to Harry and Caitlin's room (a/n: WELL IT'S THE DON'T KNOW WHAT A CONDOM ISSS COUPLE~freind)

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