After hours of this fun experience
We finally stop
I had noticed that he had spelled his name on my thigh
Meaning he is claiming what's hisRight now he is asleep
I am very exhausted
His room is really nice
I was still naked
But the sheets are covering my body and mattias arms around my waistSoon enough I noticed he is slowly waking up
He kissed me
Mattia:did you have fun
I said
Mattia:I made you cum 3 times
Y/n:you even counted it?
Mattia:yup, I'm that good huh
Y/n:I guess
Mattia: now I want u to go to the closet and find a pair of lingerie or outfit
Y/n:the theme is going to be bunny
Mattia:I just know your going to be sexy asf
He smirks.....the end