4 | The birthday game

8 0 0

Days : 

1- 4  : Darry

5 - 9 : Ponyboy 

10 - 14 : Dally

15 - 18 : Two - Bit 

19 - 23 : Steve 

24 - 27 : Sodapop

28 - 31 : Johnny 

Month : 

January - February : slept with you 

March - April : killed you 

May - June : took you on a date 

July  - August : kissed you 

September - October : kicked you 

November - December : licked you 

Year : 

1970 - 1980 : because you are smelly

1981 - 1991 : because he hates you 

1992 - 1999 : because it was a joke

2000 - 2002 : because he thinks your ugly

2002 - 2005 : because he was trying to make someone jealous

2006 - 2008 : because he hates you 

2009 - 2014 : because he loves you

2011 - 2015  : because he wanted to 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2022 ⏰

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