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Miles sat in his room, silently staring at his reflection  in the mirror that was up against the wall, connected to his dresser.

After he had sat and done some long and hard thinking and talked to several people, he had finally started to set in with the fact that he was actually gay.

Or, he was starting to accept it. He's been in the denial stage for so long that he had started trying to convince himself that something was wrong with him.

And as he continued to look at him self, tears started to flow, his thoughts eating away at him.

He was so used to telling people that he was bisexual when they asked because saying that you're bisexual sounded a whole lot better than saying that you were just gay.

That's what he believed. The part about this that was making him so emotional was the having to tell his
mother. The way she reacted when he had told her that he was bisexual had him in emotional distress.

He could remember that day extremely vividly, every detail, almost down to what the both of them had on that day since it's been burned in his head and he thinks about it so much.

She cried. Hard. And she had begged and begged him to say that it was a joke because she couldn't handle the fact that her son wasn't straight.

"no son of mine likes men!" His
mother scolded her son, continuing her venomous rant as tears rolled down her face. "You're joking, right baby?! Please tell me this is some kind of sick, twisted ass joke."

Those specific words just replayed in his head. She ignored her son for a full 3 days after that. After cooking him & his sister, Monae, breakfast, she would go on about her day without saying a single word more to him.

He would have been lucky to even get the woman to
look in his direction. And as much as he wanted to act like the tough person that he displayed most
of the time, he couldn't. No matter how hard he tried to act like her refusing to even look at him didn't hurt, it did.

The only thing that made the time period bearable was his sister. Monae was basically his bestfriend and sister in one, he felt like he didn't need anyone else as long as he had her. 

They were like modern day Bonnie & Clyde, but just you know, without the dating. And.. literally everything else.

He would have talked to her, he would have loved to just have somebody hold him. That's always what he wanted when he was sad, he didn't wanna talk, all he wanted was for someone to hug him and tell him it was gonna be alright.

Miles huffed, trying to inhale and exhale sharply in an attempt to stop himself from crying again. He felt as if he was already about to, with the way the tears were pooling in his eyes.

He began to fiddle with his fingers, continuing to try to calm himself down before going to the bathroom to grab some tissue and clean his face up. He was well aware of the fact that his eyes were going to be puffy tomorrow at school tomorrow and he was already dreading waking up.

He simply turned the bathroom light off and went back into his room, turning off his light and TV. Call him cliché, but whenever he was sad like this he wanted to sit in a dark room. He didn't want any light or to watch anything.

The most you would probably hear out of his room when he was in a mood like this is summer walker, or Drake. Definitely two of his go to artists when he was sad.

About seven hours later, he was awoken by the sound of his alarm. In the room next to miles, his sister, Monae, was already up and going to wash her face.

He never understood why, but she would always wash her face and then get in the shower instead of just doing it in the shower.

Monae hummed a low tune of blame by Bryson tiller, she was a big fan of his. Knew almost all of his songs by heart. She is almost always making a lewd joke about if she ever met him in person, and sometimes ends up saying it around the wrong people.

For example, the one time Monae & Miles were waiting outside of the elderly home for Paris, Monae's bestfriend. She wanted to visit her grandpa and they had gone with her since the three of them were going to the mall together after.

"Monae, Bryson just announced he dropping an album next week." Miles said aloud so his sister could hear, getting a squeal from her.

"Miles, you playing?! I swear on everything I love if I saw that man in real life I'm riding the fuck out his face." She bluntly stated, acting offended when her brother started laughing.

That was until they noticed the middle aged couple standing in front of her, staring at her as if she had just killed one of their family members.

"What?" Monae raised her eyebrows.

"You watch your mouth, girl! You young ladies are always so foul with the way you speak nowadays." The woman from the couple spoke up, a look of disgust and disbelief on her face from the words she just heard.

"Yeah, it's gone get real vile when I sit this pu-" and before she could finish her statement Miles had clasped his hand over her mouth, dragging her away from the entrance of the building.

"Why you do that?!" Monae asked as soon as she was freely able to speak, shoving his hand down.

"You don't have no type of filter, girl." Miles pointed out as he laughed again at his sister for the millionth time that day.

"Yeah, ok."

Back to present day.

Miles had been zoned out for so long, when he came back to reality Monae already had her clothes on and was eating a granola bar out of the kitchen pantry.

"the fuck you still doing in the bed? put them slides on and come on." Monae looked at her brother,  a small smirk forming on her face. "Or I can drive yo' car. I might crash it though."

"Yeah, nah. Let's go whore."

end of chapter one.
feel free to leave thoughts and feedback here. :)

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