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The soft crunching of leaves underfoot, the gentle warmth of the sun peaking through the canopy, the bird song high above in the branches. He had missed it, missed just admiring the subtle beauty.

It was peaceful today, a layer of calm setting the forest at rest. The perfect day for what they had planned. A flash of gold up ahead caught his attention, tilting his head to watch the ray of sunshine that was his brother.

"C'mon Wilbur! It's just ahead!" Tommy called back, turned for only a second to shoot him an excited grin. The sun shone softly on the boy, casting a glow on his blond hair. He looked right here, down on the forest floor among the scattered leaves and soft grass. It looked as if he was made for the scenery.

Wilbur couldn't help the smile that crept onto his face, watching Tommy barely contain himself from running ahead. He couldn't help but walk slowly, taking in the scene before him. He had searched for so long, spent years in a hell made just for him. His only hope, that one day he would find them. Sometimes he just needed to take a second to convince himself it was real.

"alright alright, i'm coming!" Wilbur called, picking up the pace to catch the energetic boy. Tommy just laughed, already far ahead of the other borrower. They had been walking in a decently clear area of the forest for a while now, only the occasional underbrush creeping up.

It was getting a little more crowded now, traveling further into the forest. Shoots of overgrown leaves hung around them more and more. The creeping vines beginning to snake under their feet.

"I see it Wilbur!" Tommy yelled from up ahead, taking off in a run towards what he saw. Wilbur looked up from his careful steps through the vines, eyes searching for the familiar flash of gold. "Tommy dont run too far ahead!" he called, rolling his eyes in amusement. Of course the boy was nowhere to be seen.

Wilbur picked up the pace, following after where the other disappeared around a bush. "Tommy?" he called, still not seeing any sign of him. He let out an exasperated sigh, trying not to trip in the vines.

It was oddly quieter without Tommy, somehow just the sight of him pushing away the overbearing size of the forest. Sometimes, if you looked a little too hard, you would notice things about the forest. Dangerous things. Like the birds up high tracking your progress on the ground, or the too dark shadows under especially thick bushes.

Wilbur falters in his steps, slowing down to look ahead. "Tommy?" he called again, quieter this time. His eyes flicker across the lush surroundings, searching for any sign of the other borrower.

Then he noticed the similarities, the leaves surrounding him. The creeping vines entangling his feet, the sun blotted out by the thick canopy. images of oversized leaves bearing down on him flashed across his eyes. Only ever seeing glimpses of gold through the foliage. The echoing calls of his brother, just out of reac.

He felt his chest tighten, the shouts for Tommy never passing his lips. He was back, stuck in his never ending nightmares. Searching for his brothers, clinging onto hope that they were alive.


Always seeing their faces, stricken with fear, as giant hands reached down for them.


Hands the size of building, dragging them away from him. Tearing them from his life, leaving him a torn mess-


Wilbur gasped, blinking rapidly to clear his vision. Flashes of gold across his vision faded, shrinking until it was just one blob of gold. He blinked a couple times, looking out at the gold.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2022 ⏰

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