The Love Story of Spongebob and Sandy

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  • Dedicated to Isaac Dean Romano

In the summer of 2013 in Bikini Bottom something that will knock all those stubborn barnacles off your ship happened.

Spongebob and his family were going on a camping trip in Brain Coral Valley which was right by Goo Lagoon. His family friends and his best friend, Sandy, were going too. He couldn't wait for all the fun times he and Sandy were going to have. They could go surfing and maybe do some karate.

When Spongebob's family arrived at the camp ground it was getting late and Sandy and her family already set up their campsite. 

Sandy decided to call Mrs. Squarepants on her portable shell phone to see if they wanted her to come over and help them set up. Mrs. Sqaurepants gladly accepted.

As Sandy walked over to thier campsite she couldn't help but sing her favorite song at the time, Stronger, by Kelly Clamson.

Spongebob was unpacking the car when he heard her lovely voice. He was proud of the fact that he could call Sandy his best friend. He was one lucky sponge.

As Sandy arrived all of Spongebob's little clams and oysters attacked her with hugs, kisses, and words about how much they missed her. Sandy loved all of his shellfish and didn't mind them at all. To her they were like family. After being loved on by all his little shellfish Sandy was greeted by Spongebob and Mrs. Sqaurepants.

The day grew darker as they worked together to set up his campsite and the whole time Spongebob couldn't take his eyes off Sandy. 

Now, she was no ordinary creature under the sea. She was unique, fun loving, beautiful, and a mammal, but Spongebob loved her anyways.

The next day Spongebob and Sandy hung out all day at Goo Lagoon. Spongebob laughed as Sandy told him stories of her 8th grade years and how she was so clumsy. Spongebob even let Sandy dress him up as Clamington Lincoln. He was the 16th mayor of Bikini Bottom. Sandy put a green bucket on Spongebob's head and wrapped his lei like a bread around his head. 

Niether of them knew it yet, but this was the begining of an underwater romance.

Later that day Sandy sent Mrs. Squareoants a clam-o-gram saying how she thinked she had feeling for Spongebob, but she didn't know how t tell him. So, then Mrs. Squarepants came up with a plan. Sandy was worried though, because she knew that before Spongebob has his heart set on Pearl. A gorgeous whale who's father owned the resturant Spongebob worked part-time at.

Way, way later on the not so flowerless night Mrs. Sqaurepants sent Sandy another clam-o-gram back about some very important news.


Mrs. Sqaurepants also said that Spongebob wanted to send clam-o-grams with Sandy so it wouldn't be as awkward tomorrow. 

That night they spent two hours clam-o-graming. As it got later into their conversation Spongebob started using his corny jokes on Sandy. He said "If you were a sea horse scout cookie you would be a samoa... because every time you leave I wanna see samoa you!" 

Sandy laughed and laughed because she found it so cute, but they had to say their good nights because Sandy could barely keep her eyes open anymore.

The next day they hung out again all day. They were inseparable. When night fall came they relaxed at Spongebob's campsite. They laughed, told jokes, and just bonded some more. Everything was perfect. Mrs. Sqaurepants also popped some barnacles and began to talk to the two love burgs for what seemed like hours. Suddenly, Mrs. Sqaurepants knew it was love.

As it got later into the night Spongebob and Sandy said their goodbyes... well kinda. This was because they clam-o-gramed all night. Sandy really wanted Spongebob to ask her out, but she was afraid that he wouldn't. So she kept on talking to him figuring that we wouldn't pop the question anytime soon. Then, though, at 12:05am Spongebob asked Sandy to be his girlfriend. Of course she said yes. That was the best moment of her life.

So, again the spent the day together. They went out to eat because it was raining so they couldn't;t start a fire to make breakfast. They went to Goo Lagoon, and even ate dinner together. Sandy stole some of Spongebob's food though because he couldn't't finish it and well she loved food. 

Later that night was thier last night together and something magical happened. Sandy fell asleep in Spongebob's lap while holding his little yellow hand. Everything was perfect. Sandy and Spongebob were meant to be just like you and me. I love you Isaac. <3



I found the video above on youtube. My story has nothing to do with it. I will continue to write the Niall Horan love story I'm writing, but I've been really sad lately because of the break-up. Love you guys all and thanks for the amazing support!

-xoxoxo Maddie 

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