Misplaced *Banana Split Cookie X Licorice Cookie*

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"Who does she think she is?! Dark Enchantress Cookie?! Of course, she isn't! Yet she thinks she has the right to treat me like an underling! I swear if I was allowed to say what I wanted to, Pomegranate Cookie would-"

Licorice Cookie slammed his fist onto his desk angrily as he wrote in his journal. Clearly, Pomegranate Cookie wasn't being very friendly to him recently. Well, she never was but today clearly infuriated Licorice more than usual. He was mumbling to himself as he leaned his head into the desk. "She just has to act like she's better than all of us. I have a role here too you know?!" He growled out as he wrote more. His grip was so tight on his candied pencil that it could snap. 

Suddenly there was a light knock on the door. Licorice Cookie panicked assuming it was Pomegranate back for more of her "lovely" insight on his work. He quickly swiped his journal and other desk objects onto the floor, trying to seem as though he wasn't doing anything. "Y-yes! Come in!" Licorice's voice shook in a hurry. 

With a door creek and a turn of a doorknob, it was revealed not to be Pomegranate, but rather the newest member of the Dark Enchantress Faction, Banana Split Cookie. "Hey Licorice, sorry to drop by unannounced." His soft voice was like instant relief after today's meeting. "Oh good, it's just you." Licorice Cookie gratefully sighed as he wiped the sweat off his forehead. 

"So what brings you here Jester? Here to tell me some jokes or limericks?" Licorice asked picking up his pencil off the ground. Banana Split Cookie gently shut the door behind him and entered Licorice's room. "Just figured I'd pop in to see how you were holding up after the meeting. It was a rough one..." Split exclaimed as he examined Licorice's room. It was quite dark with only lighting from purple lights and his cauldron. 

"I'm holding up perfectly fine thank you very much! The meeting went quite well actually! We really had some breakthroughs!" Licorice Cookie exaggerated his movements as he picked up some loose papers and flung them in the air. Split stared at him a confused expression crossed his face. "I mean it was an okay meeting, except for the part where Pomegranate said you weren't a good wizard and had no idea what you were doing." Split scratched the back of his head.

Licorice Cookie automatically got tense rehearing the comment. "What does she know!? She has never been a wizard nor has done half the things I've done for our Enchantress!" He scoffed as he kicked some of the items on the floor. Split just watched him grow more and more peeved with every passing moment, he was unsure how to help. "I mean I am a good wizard! Right?!" Licorice Cookie's insecurity leaked a moment as he stared to Split for any form of approval. 

Split got nervous, he wasn't expecting that kind of question. "Well, I think you're a great wizard! But remember I don't have a huge point of reference since I've only seen like you and Wizard Cookie." Splits voice shuck. "Well, that's better than being told I'm not good at all!" Licorice Cookie yelped out, annoyed at his situation. Split watched Licorice attempt to pick up something heavy to clean it, he was clearly struggling. "Do you need any help there or?-" Split asked concerned for his friend's health. 

"No, I'm fine! Nothing an amazing high-class, dark magic-wielding wizard can't handle!" His voice quivered his arms trembling from the weight of the large object. "Here let me give you a hand." Split ran over to help him lift it up. Together they easily put it on the desk. "You know when you said would give me hand I thought for sure you were going to get that rubber hand prop out." Licorice Cookie chuckled glancing at Split. "Yeah, I know you like that one it's a real show stopper." Split smiled a giggle following behind.

"I don't know why the others don't see its comedic value. Well, Poison Mushroom does but they think everything is funny..." Licorice Cookie explained as he gently tilted the object to face a certain way. "Eh, Different jokes for different folks." Split shrugged it off, he knew not every joke would hit the spot. "Well that should be everything I dropped back on my desk here-" Licorice Cookie's voice trailed off, he realized something was a miss. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2022 ⏰

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