monday/tuesday part 1

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nini: this is gonna be a great year! 

first day of high school! As I walk to school with ricky, (well him walking. me more of dancing/skipping.) I listen to "birds of a feather", the song me and the chicken girls (me, katie, and ashlyn, our ship name is based on the song) always listened to when we were younger. "hurry up ricky! I'm already late!" I say to ricky. "its the last walk of our summer!" I pull off my headphones and turn to him. "you walk by my house on your way to school everyday." "yeah, but this year I'm on the swim team" he says, reminding me of my anxieties over making the dance team. "and im hopefully on the dance team" I say. "so stop rushing" he says, pulling his super old polaroid camera out from his bag, and takes a picture of me.  "oh come on, me and the girls always walk into school together on the first day of school." I say. "yeah, yeah, the chicken girls. couldn't yall come up with a better ship name? something more mature sounding?" i ignore his comment. this is gonna be a great year! 

katie: that. was. amazing! 

its 7:54 am, first day of high school. me and ashlyn are waiting for nini. "me and julie really bonded this summer" ashlyn says to me, taking about her half sister. "you and your sister haven't bonded since she started dating henry." "oh, they broke up!" she says. "really?" "yeah. after they broke up, she got like really into photography and now she's taking pictures for the school newspaper. check it out!" she says, taking out her phone.   wait, she has a phone? "when did you get a phone?" "right after the school trip" "do all of our friends have a phone except me?" "I don't know, let me check the group chat." she says. "there's a group chat?!" I respond. seriously, why am I the only one without a phone? 

all of a sudden, I see alexa. "alexa!" I shout at her to get her attention. "who's alexa?" ashlyn says, as me and alexa walk towards each other. "we met at dance camp, you're gonna love her!" I say, grabbing her to come meet alexa. 

I go over and hug alexa, and introduce alexa and ashlyn. "ashlyn, this is my friend alexa!" "katies been helping me prep for team tryouts!" alexa says. "there's only three spots on the dance team this year. me, katie, and nini." ashlyn says. "yeah, I heard all about the chicken girls, and that dance you did when you were five, and-" "our friendship bracelets?" ash says, holding up her hand and mine to show them. "well who knows, maybe there's four spots" I say, trying to stop her from starting a fight, because she's the type of person to start fights a lot. "maybe" she says. "oh, there's my sis" she says, her and Julie waving to each other. "who's the girl in the hoodie?" alexa says. "Gina. she's my sisters best friend, captain of the dance team, and coolest girl at attaway. anyways, I gotta get to class." ashlyn says. "arent we gonna wait for nini? its our first day tradition." I say. "she's the one who's late." she responds acting frustrated, and walks away to class. "jeez, what's her problem?" alexa says, but I'm not even paying attention, cuz I see the hottest guy ever: henry. "o-m-g..." I say. "that tall guy henry, he used to date ashlyns sister." I say. "that henry? our moms are friends, we used to like, take baths together." alexa says. "baths?! oh my gosh! omg, he's coming over!" I say, trying to act natural around him. 

"hey, what's up lex? long time." henry says. "not long enough." she responds. "hi, im alexas friend katie" I say. "sup" he replies. omg. that was so hot the way he said it, right? "sup" I reply. I feel myself acting nervous, but I try to act cool. "anyways, add me on snap?" "im good" alexa says, but this is my chance to be able to communicate with him again. I can't let this happen, even if i don't have a phone. "actually, here is alexas snap code" I say, pulling out alexas phone and opening snapchat, as he adds her. "alright cool, seeya around." he says. after he leaves, I turn to alexa, literally hyperventilating. "that. was. amazing!" I say. "you're so weird, he looks like a ketchup packet!" she replies. "I love ketchup!" I say. well I mean, I do! "I heard his mom does his eyebrows!" she says. omg! "thats hot!" I reply. 

julie: its a little more complicated than that. 

"so howve you been since the big henry breakup?" Gina says to me. "im ok" I reply, even though its a little more complicated than that. "ash has actually been really sweet about the whole thing" I say. "yeah, what is it with little sis being around all the time?" she says, looking at ash sitting on the bench across from us. "are you talking about me?" ash says. "give her a break gina" I say. "whatever, let's just get to homeroom" she replies, getting up. 

ricky: I thought you and your girls always walked in together? 

"what are you listening to anyways?" I ask nini as were walking. "this is the song we listened to when we were younger! it gets me really pumped up! this is gonna be the best year ever!" she replies. but as we finally get to school, ashlyn and katie aren't there. "I thought you and your girls always walked in together?" I say. "me too" she replies, with a look that shows she's both confused and disappointed, and we walk into school. 

ashlyn: boyfriends, over best friends 

im in first period sitting next to katie, which we have english. suddenly, nini walks into the room. "we have English together?!" she says, as she sits behind katie. "totally meant to be!" I say. "hey, where were you this morning?" katie says, practically reading my mind. "ugh ricky was sooooo slow!" she says. ugh. he's Gina's little brother, and while me and katie were away this summer, she and him became closer. honestly, I think there's something going on between them. "one day into the school year and you're already choosing boyfriends, over best friends." I say, in response. "he's just a friend" she says. sureeeeeeeeee. "then maybe, we could set him up with alexa" katie says. "who's alexa?" nini says, acting confused. "she's katies 'cool new friend' from dance camp" I say, with air quotes. "you'll meet her at tryouts" katie says. "she's trying out? how many spots are there?" nini says, worriedly. "three" me and katie say in unison. by the look on her face, I can tell she's even more anxious than before, and at tryouts for MIDDLE SCHOOL last year, she literally barfed. 

julie: hmmmm 

me and gina are sitting at a table in the gym right after dance tryouts, as gina yells, "ok everyone, why don't you take five. the captains need to speak." and turns to me, while the girls stand there staring at us. "privately!" she says, and they turn away. 

we turn to each other and I say, "so, whatd you think of my sis?" I say. "I barely even noticed her! she's never been as good as that katie girl." she replies. is she serious? "cmon, we need her on the team!" I say. "that alexa girl's the one that's got moves." she says, looking at alexa. "ok, so we take alexa and katie, that only leaves one more spot." I say. oof. now its between nini and my sis. "then its between ash and nini. take your pick." oh no. I mean, It's not really a choice because I'm biased towards my sister, but I don't want to exclude nini just because she's competing with my sis. hmmmm. 

nini: I feel like I'm gonna vomit 

"did you guys notice henry was looking at me the whole time?" katie says. huh? "he was?" ash says, pretty much reading my mind. "yeah, well, I mean actually he was looking at his phone, but he was probably looking at me on alexas snapchat" she replies. I can't believe how obsessed she is with this dude. I mean, he broke julies heart, he probably isn't the best dude there is. but it is what it is. 

"okay everyone, lineup" julie shouts. as we line up, I feel my palms starting to sweat and my heart starting to race. I've never felt so anxious in my life, and last year I vomited! "we'd like to welcome the following new members. drumroll please!" says gina, and people in the bleachers start to give a drumroll. oh no. I feel like I'm gonna vomit. "alexa mendoza" says julie. oh no, that means one of the chicken girls are out. "ashlyn molina" she shouts. that leaves me and katie. its gonna be katie, I just know it. "and last but not least...." Gina starts to say. I know ive already said this, but I've never felt this anxious in my whole life. I feel heart beating faster and faster. I keep my eyes closed and my head down cause I just can't bare to watch. "katie cooper" she says. I knew it. I mean I'm happy for them and all, I really am. besides, I saw this coming. I'm never number one. or number two or three in this case. I'm always last.

birds of a feather (hsmtmts, jatp, and alexa and katie) (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now