A Viking's Home

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Chapter 1


A roaring storm torments a raging sea as twelve longships sail through the chaos undeterred. What terrible luck, day and night, the storm continues. These brave voyagers cry out to Njord and Odin, hoping to change the unrelenting conditions. The gods love to test, and today is no exception.

A tall cloaked man named Magnus stares ahead with a focused gaze and a slight smile across his scarred face. As his ancestors have long fared this sea, the storm does not worry him. Instead, he dreams of what lies ahead as his beard dances in the wind.

In the past, he joined raids on the rich isles to the west and how smooth those expeditions went. Those who inhabited the land carried few weapons and mustered only a meagre defence. Many stories are told of great armies further inland; nevertheless, Magnus does not have a breath of worry. The isles have always been the target, but he dreams of more. He dreams of the land with fair conditions, fertile soil, and plenty of space where he can build a home of his own.

Magnus brought the idea to his king.

"Expansion of the homeland," he pitched, "and, of course, regular tribute to reward your faith."

But, understandably, the king was skeptical.

"Why not continue as we have thus far," the king inquired, "quick raids are very profitable."

Magnus disclosed what he learned of the land. "Further inland holds much space to expand your kingdom, not to mention the countless treasures those people hoard."

After a long talk, the king agreed to grant 12 ships and 350 hirdmen, leaving space for families and supplies.

Magnus sits at the bow of one of the beautiful ships gifted to him. He knows that success will take hard work, but hard work is nothing new to Magnus as he spent his youth as a thrall.

As he was born to an enslaved mother, who died giving birth to him, he was classed as a thrall and put to work at an early age. After finishing a hard day's work, he would join his jarl, who would train the town's youth in combat. Dreams of freedom drove Magnus to excel, and eventually, his jarl declared him a free man. Still, he owned no land, so he joined a raiding party. He quickly rose through the ranks by displaying courage and ruthlessness. Yet, despite his elevating prestige, he desired more. During a raid on a small island, he met a young man that spoke his language. He told Magnus of a town where one could easily access the eastern sea through a firth, a word he used for an inlet from the sea, and that by going further south, he would find bountiful meadows.

Since that day, Magnus never stopped dreaming of those ripe lands. A home of his own and adventures await him. His heart yearns for the chance to breathe life into what he pictures in his mind, and finally, his opportunity is here. So he sails west with his people behind him, yearning for what lies ahead.


He looks around at those brave enough to accompany him and feels at ease knowing that he is in good company. Even the darkest days become bearable when surrounded by good people.

Magnus returns his gaze to what lies ahead, the storm growing rougher by the minute.

It's our will against the storm; it will not break us.

Magnus' wife, Astrid, joins him and puts her hand on his shoulder. She smiles as she sits next to him, then opens her blanket and pulls it tight around the two of them.

How good it is to have you next to me.

Her company brings Magnus peace.

She turns and asks, "How much longer, my love?"

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