Part 17

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3rd person pov

Its been a week since jennie wake up and everything is good until............there is a loud bang.It is lisa who is knocking on the door like a maniac. "For the last time babe,you really shouldn't do that or else jennie unnie will kill you."Rose said to her girlfriend.

"Nahhh,she wont do that as she may look like a cold and very mean but she is just a big baby." Lisa replied with confidence and walked in and said. "Wakey ii bitches,the queen of sexiness had arrived." She said while making some poses that makes rose shakes her head.

"Queen of sexiness my ass." Jennie replied with a scowl on her face. "I love your ass tho." Jisoo said with an innocent face that makes jennie blushed while the two maknae laugh. "Ohhh would you look at that,jennie unnie is blushing." Lisa said and earned herself a pillow thrown at her face. "Say one more word and its you that going to be laying on this hospital bed." Jennie said while looking at lisa making her scared of her life.

"B......babe im scared." Lisa said and hide behind rose who quickly pulled her girlfriend into a hug and whispered, "i love you babe but i am not ready to die yet." She whispered before pushing her girlfriend towards jennie.

The scene make jisoo laughed and she said, "Why are you so scared of this big baby right her." She said while pinching her mandu cheeks making jennie smiled like a kitten.

"Unnie with all due respect.........only you can do that to jennie as if i am the one that do afraid i will need to say goodbye to the world." Lisa said making jennie and jisoo laughed.

"So anyway what you two doing here,its still quite early and aren't you two supposed to go to work?" Jisoo asked.

"Well i miss jennie unnie and im quite hungry so i think to myself why dont i just visit jennie unnie and eat together with you gays."rose replied.

"Yahhh im not gay chaeyoung." Jisoo said

"Then what are you unnie."

"Its just jennie here is too sexy and cute and beautiful and amazing....."

"Yeah yeah i get it you are just gay for jennie unnie." Lisa said.

"Well what can i say,im just too sexy to be resist." Jennie shrugged. "But anyway,what do you bring today?" Jennie asked while holding jisoo's hand.

"Well nothing much just some chicken." Lisa replied while putting it down........meanwhile jisoo already making a drama with jennie. "Baby,you know i love you so much but chickin needs my help." Jisoo said while holding her girlfriend's hand and jennie rolled her eyes but still move along as we all know how whipped she is.

"But i need you to promise me,please come back." Jennie said while faking a tear and jisoo wiped it amd said................ "I will come back to you."

Ps:Well im sorry for this lame update,im having some problem currently but i still want to update something so here it is some stupid update hehe

LOVE IS A GIFT(jensoo)(Jisoo and jennie)Where stories live. Discover now