5.One Fae Named Adryn Blackwood

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I studied the woman in front of me, by now I could definitely tell that sure enough it was Adryn Blackwood. She looked exactly as I remembered her. Her hair the same medium length platinum blond hair , her eyes the same grayish blue with what looked like veins of silver in her eyes. Though I knew the real cause for them was the power that she so desperately tried to hide there was no name for it, as it was raw power and pure energy in itself.

A voice echoed through the room snapping me out of my thoughts "Which brother?" I looked around the room trying to figure out who said that. My gaze finally settled on the woman in front of me and then I remembered Adryn Blackwood, Help, Brother, Council, it all came back. I had really been deep in my thoughts for a good time I realized because some of the guards were staring.

"Well isn't it obvious I want you to kill Raiden".

I watched as anger flashed through her eyes at the tone I used "Well, Afterall you do have 6 of them!". "Fairpoint" I sighed "But no I want Atlas dead, then I'll help you with your problems for your little powers may be the only thing that can kill him".

"When do you want it done?' she questioned.

"Well, here's what's gonna happen. My guards will escort you to your room and then tomorrow you will be brought to my war room and we will talk about plans" I said, gesturing towards the door with my hand.

I watched as she rolled her eyes but did not resist when one of the guards tugged her arm forward though I noticed the glare she gave him and the way he recoiled as she said something inaudible to him.

As the doors shut with a thud, I slouched down dragging a hand through my blonde locks in exasperation. This was probably the worst idea ever for dear old brother who was possibly the most powerful male in Hel. I may have very well just sent a childhood acquaintance from over a hundred years ago to her deathbed.

I know it's a short chapter, but I really wanted to have something from his perspective!

Question of the day: what's your favorite food?

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