You Did What?

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Riu went to her house, she thought that Akkira might be there… Riu reached home but Akkira is nowhere to see, she checked everywhere but she did not find her. She trying to call her but Akkira’s switch off her phone, she messaged her “Akkira listen I know that you are hiding something from me and I don’t know what is it, but trust me I will always support you yr… you are my only family please don’t do this to you and me, I am really scared please call me’ Riu is very angry with Akkira and at the same time she feels scared for her too. We see Akkira is in the garden which is close to her apartment too. When she realizes that it’s almost dark, She take out her phone to see the time,she finds her phone battery dead. But, she has the power bank in her bag, she charges her phone and switches on it… suddenly she sees Riu messages and feels sad for her best friend. She thought it was high time to tell her everything. After all, she is her only family, so she called her immediately. When Riu was sitting in her room suddenly her phone rang, she looked shocked when she saw the username it was from Akkira. Riu answered her phone very quickly and said ‘where the hell are you, do you even know what I am going through… this is not the right way to behave if you have a problem then just share it to me, how can you disappear all of sudden. I am so scared Akku’ Riu tried to control her tears but at some movement she didn’t and started crying. Akkira tried to say something but Riu cut it and said ‘Just tell me where are you’ Akkira replied in a very sad tone ‘Garden’. Riu takes the key and runs to the garden. Finally, Riu find Akkira. She run to her and hug her. She said ‘don’t ever disappear like that, if you do, I will never show my face to you’ Akkira said ‘I’m… I’m sorry Riu I didn’t want to do this but I just want to be in a quiet place’ she started crying. Riu asked her ‘What happened, let's go home then tell me what happened... kk? Akkira was just nodded’. They arrived home and Riu got a glass of water for Akkira to calm her down. When she saw that Akkira is fine now, she asked her what exactly happened. Akkira takes a deep breath and faces Riu. Riu takes her hand in Akkira’s hand trying to tell her that she has Riu in her life. Akkira slowly start crying Riu hugged her when suddenly Akkira spoke ‘Riu I am sorry for not telling you anything, Beac… because I am scared that you might leave me or hate me” Riu look confused when she hears what Akkira says and said to her ‘absolutely not, why would I hate you, you are my best friend and more of that my family. I would never ever hate you or leave you alone, not in this life. Understand Akku’. Akkira felt so happy when she heard this. Riu asked her 'why would you say that I would leave you, just tell me what’s wrong’ Akkira broke the hug and take Riu’s hand and say ‘Riu, look there is something which I want to tell you from the very beginning, but I don’t have the courage. And now when I am ready to disclose my darkest secret to you. So please listen to me very carefully’, Riu just nodded her head. Akkira continued her story ‘Do you remember when I have to go for a business trip to Japan’ Riu said ‘Yes, I remember and you seemed quite strange after your trip, I thought it was just your jetlag’. Akkira said ‘Yes, but it was not because of the jetlag’ Riu asked in a confused way ‘then, what?’. First Akkira kept quiet and closed her eyes and said in one breath
‘I sleep with a stranger in Japan’. Riu suddenly stood up in shock and said ‘wha… what, you did what’. Riu was in shock. She tried to calm herself but wanted to know what happened exactly.

She has lots of questions in her mind like, how did this happen? Who was the guy? And why did she not say something?

For more updates wait for the Next Chapter…

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