III. Unforgettable

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"tamago" - redacted parts

"tamago" - the novel

Let's just say that in this chapter, I want them to feel envious and a bit helpless. I've had this in mind when I was just starting to write this fanfic, and also the reason why I've chosen the timeline of their abduction.*whispers* Don't hate me.


He's drumming his fingers on the table, pondering what he should show his guests first. Should he begin with the most extreme option? He shook his head and grimaced, entirely discarding the idea; they'd just been in a terrible accident prior to being here, so it's not right. Or is it?

"That might not be such a bad idea, let's see... I should start on that one...yes right," he said to himself, smiling like he's a genius. He then turned to face the man who was lazing in his bed.

"Cale, isn't this a great decision? You should answer 'yes'."

The man he called simply stared at him, as if he were insane.

'What is this rubbish he's talking about now? Did he just ask me a question and then expect me to say yes? Is he insane?' Cale scowled, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath after that. If he stays with this god for too long, it feels like he'll get a headache and even go insane.

The god proceeded to his desk and continued talking to himself after their conversation, which lasted for an hour and forty minutes. He initially thought it was strange, but he ignored it and went about his business, relaxing in his bed. For the past fifteen minutes, the supposed deity has been mumbling to himself, and now he's asking him if he understands what he's talking about? That's a load of crap.

'Let's take a deep breath and not answer. Yes, that's the appropriate thing to do.' He sighed deeply again. Cale suddenly opened his eyes, which fixed onto the man who was staring at him.

"Are you not going to respond to me?" Akio frowned, unsure why he wouldn't. It's just a simple question. "I guess I'll simply take your silence as an answer," he shrugged, and felt frustrated because he had expected the other to agree with him.

"There's just five minutes left; let's go to the theatre now; I don't want my guests to wait any longer," he remarked as he walked over to Cale's side of the bed and extended his hand.

Cale was perplexed as he examined the god's hand. He thought about it for a while and then realized it. 'Ah, he must want to help me in getting up. Although I'm sure I could do it on my own.'

"I can get up on my own," he answered, pushing the god's hands away. When he stood up, the deity extended his hand once more.

"What now?"

'Does he have a thing with hands?' He shivered in his own thought.

"For teleportation?"

'What kind of bullshit is this?! If holding hands is the medium, how did he get the others here?!' He looked at the god as if he was telling him he was a liar. 'He's weird, insane, and an idiot.' Cale groaned again, thinking, 'I've been repeating it for quite some time now, but I can't think of anything else to define him but that. Aigoo, my poor life.'

"Come on, let's go. You're family must be anxious because you're not there." the god insists again.

Actually, the reason he kept insisting is because he believes Cale's hand is soft, and he wants to know whether this is true.

When his family was mentioned, the man became stiff. 'Anxious? I'm sure they didn't even notice I wasn't there,' he snarled bitterly.

He simply said, "I wonder," and took the man's hand.

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