✨ 38 ✨

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I ran to the bathroom and closed the door behind me leaning on it as I tried to catch my breath. I slid to the floor hugging my legs to my chest when I realized I was too weak to hold myself up. It was all happening too fast and even though I had been preparing myself for two weeks I still couldn't bring myself to tell Elijah the truth.

My reaction to him being hurt had been idiotic and not well thought out. I hated lying to Elijah but there's no way I could have him the truth in front of his whole family.

How could I have been so stupid
and reckless?

Elijah obviously didn't believe my lie which meant I had to come clean to him soon. I was scared, oh so scared but it needed to happen before any more accidents happened and I reacted as stupidly as I did.

I didn't know if Elijah had noticed but I had been off all day. I had been getting lost at target intentionally to avoid being alone with him for too long. I had even cussed out that old lady to relive some of my frustration. Normally I'd have let her words slide but I'd engaged her which was very unlike me. I couldn't carry on as I was so as much as it scared me I would have to talk to Elijah.

I should have listened to my aunt and been honest with him from the beginning because there was nothing like the right time to tell someone that they were forever linked to you. I had waited too long and it was finally time to clean if I didn't want shit blowing up in my face.

"Maya are you in there? Are you okay?"Amanda asked me knocking on the bathroom door.

"Yeah I'm fine, I'll be out in a minute."I replied swiping off the tears that had fallen from my eyes.

"Okay hurry we're about to have dinner."She replied and I realized that I'd been gone too long.

I heard her footsteps fade away so I got up from the floor and dusted myself. I peed, threw some water on my face to cool down before exiting the bathroom feeling much calmer but still scared to death.

Everyone was gathered in the formal dining room where Florence had laid out a beautiful Thanksgiving dinner. I took my place next to Elijah who smiled as soon as he saw me pulling me into a side hug.

"Are you okay?"He asked me and I nodded.

"Yeah but you and I need to talk after dinner."I requested him knowing it was now or never.

"Okay, we'll talk."He agreed and by the tone of his voice I could tell he had an inkling on what the discussion was going to be about.

Oma led us in a word of prayer and as soon as Bernard curved the turkey we were all free to dig in. There was so much food I couldn't possibly eat it all so I chose some of my favorites to fill up on. The Olsen's had huge appetites so they were definitely going to clear the table.

Dinner was filled with light hearted banter that helped ease the tension looming over Elijah and I. The Olsen's were a great family and they all loved me just as much as I loved them. I didn't want to lose them in my life so I hoped that everything would go well after I told Elijah everything.

Dinner was amazing but it all came crumbling down because of one stupid accident.

"Eli, pass the the gravy. Be careful it's hot."Tamara requested him.

"I wanna pass it."Millie demanded even if she was too short to reach the middle of the table.

"No honey let Eli pass it. You can pass me the salt."Tamara replied.

"No! I wanna pass the gravy."She yelled.

She reached for the gravy just as Elijah was passing it and it slipped from his hands pouring all over his lap and hands. After that incident it all turned to chaos.

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